I Love Her

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Of course her water would break in the middle of the night, she climbed out of bed and quickly doubled over in pain as a contraction tore through her, the pain was intense and she saw a flash of white light. The room began to spin, "Joy!" She called out before dropping to her knees, "help me!"

Call it luck, a happy coincidence..it really didn't matter. All that mattered was as Kim was falling to her knees her teenaged niece appeared before her, "Aunt Kim!" Zoey yelled as she dropped the glass of chocolate milk she'd had found herself craving as she tried to sleep. It was gnawing at her and she wouldn't be able to fall asleep without having some and now she was so glad she'd listened to her stomach as it demanded the sweet drink.

"Are you okay?" Zoey kneeled beside her aunt, "you're wet?! Are you bleeding?" The grey yoga pants Kim wore were now soaked.

"My water..it broke, the baby's coming" she tried to practice the breathing technique she had learned at Lamaze class, "get your mom!" Kim obviously had nothing to base it on but she didn't feel 'right' and she had a sickening feeling that she needed help and she needed it fast.

"I don't get it man" Jay said as he grabbed the darts of the board, "why would she let him live with her...after what he did. How he left her to deal with the fallout" Jay was bewildered by it all, "not to mention the fact that he's a complete douche"

Adam shook his head, "Can we not talk about him...or her" he was past the point of anger, he was hurt and a little embarrassed and he missed her that in itself angered him, how he could miss her after everything she had done to him. They had gotten to the point where conversation had become like it used to be. It was natural and effortless and he loved having her back in his life. He wasn't sure where it would have led or if it would've developed into something more but they were friends again, and he really liked that. He had been excited about the baby and raising her with Kim, now it was all shot to shit.

Now he felt like the biggest fool and he was done. He had met with his attorney and he was pursuing full and primary custody of the baby. He spent the last few days touring day care centers and looking for pediatricians, though he would probably use the same doctor that Lori used for her kids. He never in a millions thought he'd become a 'Mr.Mom' but it was where he now found himself and he was going to do all he could for his daughter.

Including keeping her away from Sean Roman and if that meant keeping her from her own mother...he'd hate but he'd do it.

"Sorry Man" Jay apologized has he handed a dart to Kevin, "your turn" knowing full well that Adam wouldn't answer any more of his questions.

"My bag, and the baby's" Kim leaned against Joy as they walked slowly towards the already running car, "and you need to call Adam.."

"Get in Kim"Joy told her, "Zoey is grabbing the bags and you can call Adam once I get you settled in the car" she hoped that her sister and Adam could find even the tiniest sliver of common ground.

Kim looked appalled at the thought of it, "I can't! He hates me"

"Don't be stupid, Kim. He doesn't hate you, he's just hurt. He's not thinking straight about anything especially this baby..he can't take her from you.." She began to ramble, while she understood Adam's hurt she couldn't help but question his motives, that maybe he was just striking out in anger and not the best interest of the baby.

Kim was finally sitting in the car, "Please hurry!" another contraction hitting her, this one more intense than the previous one.

Joy picked up her pace as she ran around to the driver's side and climbed in, leaning on the horn for Zoey to hurry up.

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