You're Leaving

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He'd grown quiet and even worse than that he was still. His eyes locked on some invisible spot on the wall, Elena's attempts at gaining his attention were for nought.

She hated this, all the happiness and fun had been drained from the room when Sean showed up, she sat beside him on the floor and grabbed his hand, "Are you okay? Are we okay?" She was apprehensive.

He looked down at her hand, "I don't like him" he whispered, "I don't like how he makes me feel..."

"Adam, he's not worth it. He means nothing to do." she told him, "you mean everything to me, you and Elena"

"He meant something to you at some point" Adam slipped his hand out from underneath her's, he stood up and stepped over Elena and went to the window, "you moved on with him...shit" he turned back to look at her, "I don't think my side of the bed was fucking cold yet."

She flinched at his tone and his words, "Adam...I was searching for something anything that would stop the ache in my chest. Something to fill the gaping hole in my heart"

"What about me? How come you didn't talk to me? Dammit Kim, I tried and you just walked away...every fucking time. Why wasn't I enough?" He shouted, startling Elena.

Her bottom lip quivered and she dissolved into tears, burying her face in Kim's neck as Kim lifted her from the floor, "I was scared, alright! I didn't think I was enough...that there was something wrong with me...that you didn't want me"

He hung his head, "you're all I ever wanted Kim"

"How come you didn't want to find a place together, huh? You kept putting it off...forget planning a wedding...I didn't know what was going on in your head" she put Elena in the pack and play with her pacifier.

Adam looked in on Elena, her eyelids fluttering in closed as she drifted off to sleep "I don't want to fight with you.." He grabbed his keys, "I'll talk to you tomorrow"

"You're leaving?" Kim couldn't believe it, "Adam, we need to talk about this, don't leave"

He glanced back at her once more, she hated the haunted look she saw in his eyes.

As he shut the door Kim felt as if a vice was gripping her heart, everything had been wonderful. They laughed, and teased each other. They had stolen kisses, they let their hands travel over each other.

Then Sean knocked on the door and blew apart their perfect little bubble.

Sean smiled as he entered the bar, he spotted Ian in a booth towards the back working on what Sean assumed was a deposit, "Ian..what's up?"

"Seanny-boy. Good to see ya! I gather you approved?" Ian slipped a few bills into the pouch he quickly zipped it up and set it aside.

"It was quality work, no doubt. I appreciate it" Sean smiled as he accepted the offered cigar, "I may need it again"

"Just say the word"

"Come on, baby girl. You're tired, it's time to go to sleep" Kim rubbed her daughter's back. They'd both been miserable since the moment Adam left, and it seemed as if the both of them just wanted to cry.

In fact it was pretty much all Elena had done since her daddy left, and she had started getting fussy when Sean had arrived on her doorstep.

She had thought he had been put behind them, that they had moved on from all of that but it was clear as day that Adam hadn't.

Elena lifted her head up off of Kim's chest, and looked exhausted, "I want daddy to baby..he loves you so much. No matter what your daddy will always love you" she sighed when Elena tucked her head under her chin, Kim closed her eyes and tried to relax, she forced herself to take slow and steady breaths. She needed to relax, not only for her own benefit but Elena's too.

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