Take The Girl One Out..Put A Boy One In

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Joy handed Kim a cup of herbal tea, she had shown up on her doorstep last night in tears. Kim had been to distraught to talk and had gone right to bed, Joy was going to get it out of her this morning.

"Alright, I left you alone last night..let you sleep, but I won't do that today. What happened?" Joy hugged her knees to her chest as she sat opposite Kim on the couch.

Kim took a sip and found relief as the warm tea soothed her throat, "I made a mess out of everything..I was trying to help a friend, and I think it's cost me Adam. He said he was going for full custody..he can't take my baby" she explained through strangled sobs.

"What friend? Why would you helping a friend cost you Adam? I don't understand" Joy told her.

"Sean..I was helping Sean alright?! He's been living with me" Kim could see the shock on her sister's face and it was precisely why she had kept Sean living with her under wraps.


"I know you don't like him...but he saved my life!" She yelled, "I couldn't turn my back on him...I couldn't!"

Joy moved from her spot in the couch to comfort Kim who had broke down into gut wrenching sobs, "Kim..I'm so sorry" she felt terrible for her sister, "he may have saved your life...and I'll always be grateful to him for that. Kim, he ruined your life too...you know this"

Kim nodded, "I know..trust me I know" she chuckled as she pulled away from Joy, "he had nowhere else to go..he said it would just be a few days...and then it turned in to months. Whenever I'd bring it up, he'd remind that he had nowhere else to go..and I felt bad"

"How does Adam play into all of this?" Joy asked, wishing she had kept closer tabs on her younger sister. She had a such a big heart and was always willing to help, even for those who didn't deserve her kindness and even if it would cost her everything.

"He bought me a crib, he dropped it off when I wasn't home..but Sean was" fresh tears sprang from her eyes, "I guess he and Sean had words...but Sean never told me. He said the crib was just there when he got home." She took the tissue Joy offered her, "I had just had lunch with Adam's sister and her kids...I told her about Sean...she was so angry and she demanded that I tell Adam"

Joy tilted her head to the side, "she's right" she said sadly.

"I know, I know she is! I brought up the job search again..and he just told me he was looking and again reminded me he had no one, that I was his only friend in Chicago..that I was his family" Kim explained.

"Except..you don't manipulate family Kim. That's what he's doing to you..that's all he's ever done to you" Joy was angry, "so tell me what happened with you and Adam"

She set the mug on the table, "I had an appointment yesterday, and he came but he was different. I noticed it the second I met him in the lobby. He was quiet and you know Adam, his mouth is always running" she joked lightly, Joy smiled softly. "As we get upstairs, they call us back almost immediately. You know how at the beginning I always went back first..and Adam came back about ten minutes later...well, we stopped that. It was silly you know, Adam knew everything about me. So he just started coming back with me and it was so nice. He'd run his hand over my stomach and he'd talk to her..he would even kiss my stomach" the first time he did it he had apologized profusely but she told him it was okay..that he could do it. That the baby liked it, when the truth was she liked it.

"Sounds like Adam" Joy had liked Adam, granted she wasn't pleased with how he handled the engagement but she knew without a doubt that he loved her sister. She had hoped that they'd work it out and that they'd be together.

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