He's Just Smitten With Her

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Joy gently bounced Elena in her arms, waiting for Kim to finish up in the shower. It had been a whirlwind since Elena's birth but they'd finally been given the 'all clear' to go home and Joy knew Kim was anxious to get home.

"She's such a sweet baby!" Joy called out to Kim, "she's just perfect" she coo'ed at the infant who seemed to be observing her every move. Elena had a full head of thick brown hair, her eyes still almost black but they expected them to turn into the same shade of chocolate brown at as her parents eyes some point.

Kim let the water wash over her, her entire body still ached and the hot water was like a breath of fresh air. It was rejuvenating.

"She's great" Kim responded running the loofah over torso, "Adam's sister said she's a 'mini Adam', he's just smitten with her" she stood back under the spray of the shower, he had spent most of the week since Elena's birth sleeping in the recliner. He'd leave to go to work, check in about a million times during the day and return once he was done with work. It didn't matter the time either, one night it was close to three in the morning when he finally stumbled through the door.

They had wanted to keep Elena a few days longer just to be sure to make sure everything was as it should be with the infant and it appeared to be the case. The fact that it took her a minute to perk up after her birth seemed to have just been a fluke occurrence and she was healthy as could be.

Kim turned the water off and slowly stepped out of the shower and slipped on the robe Joy had brought for her. She had been dying for a real shower and was thrilled when Joy showed up an hour ago with her robe, shampoo, conditioner, her favorite body wash and a loofah.  She couldn't wait to wash the hospital funk off, Kim smiled as Joy changed the baby's diaper, "Adam's even changed a few diapers"

"Oh..I think someone's working on a little something for us" Kim teased as they both watched as Elena's face scrunched up and her cheeks turned crimson, her legs pulled up towards her belly.

"What?" Adam asked feeling a little stupid, "what do you mean?"

Kim rubbed his arm, "Your princess is pooping" she giggled lightly, they had found themselves in a post-baby haze of some sort, and she was loving every minute of it.

"Oh.." Adam replied.

They heard the soft rumblings from their daughter's diapered bottom, "Well Ellie..that's not very lady like" Adam laughed, already having found a nick name for his daughter. While he loved the name Kim had picked out and he loved the meaning behind it, the name felt too big for his little girl. He had told Kim it was a name for an adult, and Kim promptly reminded her that she'd one day would be an adult. The look of terror flashed across his face,  he wasn't ready for her to be a toddler let alone an adult. "I'm so not ready for that"

"I'm not either..I want to soak it all in, it goes so fast. I remember when Zoey was a newborn and it was like I blinked and now she's 15" Kim smiled and lifted Elena out of the small bassinet, "let's get you changed little one"

Adam stood up tall, his hands on his hips, "I will do it."

Kim's hand hovered over the buttons on the baby's sleeper, "Have you ever changed a diaper?" Her eyebrow arched.

Adam shifted on his heels, "Well..no..but..how hard can it be? She barely even moves..and I'm gonna have do it sooner or later"

"Well, be my guest" she rose from the bed and handed him the diaper, bending down to kiss Elena's head, "Daddy's got this baby"

Adam sat down and carefully undid each button and moved to grab her legs, "Let's take your legs out kid.." He gently tugged on them as he tried to maneuver them out of the sleeper.

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