I Guess He Fucked Over My Uncle In Some Way

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Mouse had scoured every resource available to him and he still couldn't make a concrete connection, sure he found a few possible links but nothing concrete. They didn't work with 'possibles' they needed clear cut evidence, and they had nothing.

"Boss, I've got nothing." He was disappointed and a little angry. Angry with who or what he wasn't sure, but none of this sat well with him.

Judging by the looks on the faces of those around him, he wasn't alone in his discomfort.

"Okay" Hank blew out an exasperated breath, "let's just keep at it, and please keep it under wraps" he knew they were picking at a hornet's nest and the fewer people that knew the better.

"Got it" Mouse said as he scurried back to his desk, hoping something would develop. He wasn't asking for much, he just needed something anything to connect the dots.

"Alright..." Adam glanced over his shoulder as he spoke into the phone, "I gotta go" he hurried ending the call without waiting to hear the response on of the person on the end.

"Who as that?" Kim asked as she settled Elena in her high chair and set a cut up jelly sandwich on her tray.

"That?" Adam asked, "Uh..no one."

"Really? Kim could hear the nervousness in his voice, "so you're carrying on conversations with no one?"

Adam picked up the cup Elena had dropped on the floor and handed it to her, "No. It was nothing" he replied, "just let it go...alright?"

Kim was taken aback by his harsh response, "You're mad at me?" She washed the stickiness from her hands, wiping them on a dish towel, "whatever" she replied as she tossed it on the counter and left Adam and Elena alone in the kitchen.

"Shit" Adam grumbled, "I think I just pissed your mother off kiddo"

He made himself a sandwich and sat beside Elena's high chair, he knew he was safer in the kitchen. He knew she'd keep pressing him to open up to her and he couldn't tell her, not yet.

Killian let the cigarette dangling from his fingers, the ashes littering the pavement beneath it, "So, I've got a way I can really prove myself" he took one finally drag from the cigarette, "let them know I'm more than just someone to do their grunt work. The shit they want done, but are 'above it', it's just I'm gonna need some help, you boys in?"

He was joined by a handful of his 'crew', they'd all come from families in similar positions as his, and they all stood on the outside of the 'inner circle', all of them wanting to make a name for themselves.

They all had something to prove.

"Baby.." Adam scooted next to her on the couch, "you okay?" He whispered as kissed the rim of her ear, "it was work, that's all" he explained, letting his hand come to rest on her waist, "it's just a shit case...I'm sorry I snapped" it wasn't a complete lie, but it was still a lie. He didn't like lying to her, but in order for his plan to work he would. He thought he had more time to make that phone call, and when he spotted Kim walking into the kitchen his heart leapt in his throat. He didn't know what else to do, he had become a nervous wreck and he snapped at her.

Kim folded her arms as she tried to remain annoyed with him, "Go away Adam" she turned away from him, his breath tickling her ear wasn't easy to ignore but she refused to give him the satisfaction of of knowing he was getting to her.

He'd been standoffish the last few days, he seemed 'off', she had wanted to talk to him, to ask him what was up but he'd been busy with work. When he was home, it was only briefly and he spent much of his time sleeping or hanging with Elena. Not really time to bring up whatever it was that was bothering him.

They had vowed to talk to each other, no matter what and it was beginning to feel like he wasn't holding up his end of the bargain.

He laughed, "You don't want me to go away...in fact I'm pretty sure you want me closer" he mumbled as he kissed his way across her jawline, "the baby is sleeping.."

Adam grabbed her by her hips and pulled her closer to him on the couch, "Adam you're a jerk" she laughed, "but you're right I do want you closer"

Joy had put the finishing touches on the project and wrapped it carefully in the box, she had spared no expense on this latest project. She purchased the fanciest box, and bout the top of the line satin material to wrap it in. This was something that would be cherished for years to come, and it deserved the beer of everything.

She needed it to be perfect.

"What'd this guy do to you anyway?" Carl asked as they watched the main entrance of the building. They couldn't wait for it to all pop off, it would be fucking beautiful.

"Me? Nothing" Killian responded, as he typed out the text message. He had to make sure everyone was in place and everyone was prepared. "I guess he fucked over my uncle in some way...not really sure"

"You trashed that cat's car, right?"

Killian nodded, "Yep. While that shit was parked in the fucking CPD parking lot...fucking pigs" he caught the first glimpse of movement as the building's door opened.

"That was exhilarating, Darlin', I swear it gets better every time" Adam ran his hand down her back.

Kim settle herself in the crook of his arm, "it was good wasn't it? May have been your best work" she teased.

Adam laughed, "You motivate and inspire me"

"You're a dork, Adam" Kim reached up to kiss his cheek, sighing when she heard Elena calling out for them from her crib, "she's so much like you...you'd think she'd enjoy naps as much as you do" she teased as she climbed off the couch and gathered her clothes from the floor and handed Adam his boxers and jeans, "get dressed"

He knew he needed to meet up with Joy, and he saw this as a perfect opportunity, "Hey, you know what? I've got a few errands to run, let me talk Elena and you can rest." He zipped his jeans, "Ellie and I are do for a daddy daughter day"

Kim smiled, "That's perfect. I've actually have a few last minute things I need to grab for her party Sunday, so it works" as much as she wanted to do as he said and nap, she still had so much to do.

"I could do it for you" Adam offered as he followed her down the hall to the nursery.

Kim shook her head, "It's alright, I will do it. No offense, but I don't trust you when it comes to party decorations" she laughed, smiling big when she stepped in Elena's room, "do you want to go out with daddy?"

"Dada! Dada!" Elena squealed happily.

They parted ways at the main entrance of the building, "Drive safe, Kim. Try not to spend all our money" he kissed her cheek and held out Elena so Kim could kiss her good bye.

"I will try. No promises though, our baby only turns one once" she smiled, "I love you Adam, and you too Elena!"

"Bye" Elena babbled as she waved her chunky hand, still not having perfected the wave but it was undeniably cute.

"Let's roll" Killian commented as they pulled away from the curb and followed the vehicle.


Dun...dun...dun... So who is being followed?!??

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