It's What Adam Would Want

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Jay was drained, they'd been at it for well over an hour now and Sean wasn't budging from his stance.

"I swear I don't know" Sean repeated, "I hooked up with Ian for the break in and Killian trashed Ruzek's car, anything beyond that I didn't ask for. I just wanted to get in their heads, that's all."

It was the truth, he didn't want to physically hurt them, well not Kim anyway and certainly not the baby. The baby was an innocent in all of this, he'd love to kick the shit out of Ruzek though, this wasn't him. He hadn't arranged any of this.

This wasn't what he wanted.

"Shit!" Jay muttered as he stood to leave the room, feeling as if the walls were closing in on him, he needed air.


"What?" Jay glared at him over his shoulder.

"You'll tell me when you find them, right? You'll let me know how the baby is?" He felt the wobble in his voice.

Jay rolled his eyes at him in disgust and stormed out.

"I haven't heard from him at all" Lori told Hank, "something is seriously wrong with my brother and niece, you need to find them" she spoke between tears, "he's my little brother"

Hank lightly squeezed her forearm, "He's my family too, the whole unit is. We will find him and that sweet little girl. You've got my word" Hank replied.

"Your word?" Bob Ruzek screamed, "your word means shit to me Voight! You need to find my son and granddaughter!" He grabbed a hold of Hank, "I swear you better find them!"

Lori didn't even know her father had shown up and in typical Bob Ruzek fashion he was beating his chest, making sure everyone knew how tough he was. She was never super close with her father, she had extended the proverbial olive branch to him when she had Robert. She hoped naming him after her father, would bridge the gap some. Make him realize what he kept turning his back on, but it never worked.

Sure he visited some, and for awhile it worked, but by the time Annabelle was born he was gone. Rarely did he show up now, aside from a few minutes here and there. Usually at Robert's football games, and she was sure that only happened because Adam saw to it. He made sure their father showed up for his grandchildren in some fashion.

"Dad! Stop!" She yelled desperate to pry his hands off of her brother's boss, "Just stop!" She fought through her own tears, "Since when do you care about Adam? Huh? Have you even seen Elena yet? No. No you haven't so sit down and shut up or get the fuck out!"

Kim could hear their voices, the voices rose and fell, they screamed and they whispered. It didn't matter though, how soft or how loudly they spoke it was still deafening. It was like nails on a chalkboard, their mere presence hurt.

Her apartment was full, but she was alone.

"All of you shut up!" Kim finally stood dropping the pillow she had been clutching to her chest on to the floor, "just shut up...please...just shut up" she mumbled, before walking out of the apartment.

Jay was done, he walked around the table and grabbed the back of Roman's neck and violently slammed his face down in to the table, the thud was sickening.

Blood began pouring from Sean's noise, "I told you what I know!" blood sputtering everywhere as he spoke.

"It's not good enough.." Jay growled, he slid Sean's phone across the table, "Call Ian...find out what he knows..find out if he's behind this"

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