No You Aren't Don't Lie Kim

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It had been a week since Atwater came screaming up the stairs that they'd had a problem. Adam could still feel the rage he felt when he stood beside his car in the parking lot, all the glass shattered.

As he waited at the counter for guy to find his keys, he thought back on that day. Something inside him still gnawed away at him, his gut was not settled.

They had immediately pulled the security footage and had a clear shot of the punk who vandalized his car, and they had pinched him before sunset. His reasoning behind it all? He just wanted to have some fun, that was all.

It seemed off, but everyone from Voight on down told him he was making too much of it, to let it go.

Kim had even told him to let it go, to be thankful they found the kid and thankful for insurance. It was a costly repair.

"Ah..finally. Here you go Officer Ruzek" he dropped the keys in the palm of Adam's hand, "it's towards the back of the lot"

Adam just bobbed his head a bit and left.

He'd worked almost 18 hours the last few days and he was itching to get back to Kim's place, he missed his girls.

Kim buckled Elena into the high chair, much to Elena's dismay, she had been engrossed in a board book. She hadn't been reading though she had found that it was quite the noisemaker and would throw down over and over again. With each thud she laughed uncontrollably, just like her daddy it didn't take much to entertain her.

"You hungry? We've got something new to try today" Kim practically sang, holding the bowl of puréed broccoli in her hands, "it's yummy!!" she had started making her own baby food and her freezer was now filled with the different colored cubes of food.

Adam dropped his wallet and keys on the counter, "Don't lie to my daughter, that shit isn't yummy" Adam screwed up his face and stuck his tongue out, Elena laughing at him.

"I didn't hear you come in" she smiled at him "It's good for her..and you" Kim scolded him, "those brownies you scarfed down last night...did you like them?"

Adam nodded as he grabbed a sports drink from the fridge, "Yea, they were delicious" he leaned down and kissed her on the mouth quickly before turning his attention to Elena.

"They had broccoli in them" she had found a recipe book that was all about sneaking healthy foods into things and no one would be the wiser. While the book was made for tricking kids, Kim had found it perfect for Adam. The man ate like a four year old, it was a perfect boom, and she knew it wouldn't be long before Elena would be eating table food.

Adam was the perfect guinea pig.

He glared at her, "Are you serious? That's not cool Burgess" his eyes danced he grabbed her thighs underneath the table, "what else have you been slipping in my food?"

"Oh, you have no idea" She laughed, finally grabbing a spoonful of the green stuff and dropping it in Elena's mouth.

They both watched as Elena's face scrunched up and she gagged as she swallowed the mouthful, "See...poor girl doesn't like it" Adam lifted the bib around Elena's neck and wiped her mouth, "Mommy's mean isn't she...making you eat that nasty food"

Elena babbled a string of sounds and quickly clamped her mouth shut when Kim came back at her with another spoonful, she waved her chubby hand around and smacked Kim's hand sending broccoli flying and most of it landing on Adam's cheek.

Kim was laughing uncontrollably, her face beet red and tears building in her eyes, Elena too joined in on the laugher, though she had no idea why she was laughing. Just seeing her mother laugh was enough for the baby.

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