A Room Fit For A Princess

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"Thanks for coming with Lori" Adam smiled as he lifted Annabelle on his hip, "I need to make sure I don't forget anything" he smiled, as they entered Babis R Us.

"You're welcome Adam, I'm excited" she patted his arm, "well, let's get to it" she laughed as she grabbed a shopping cart, "where should we start?" She asked Adam, "I say we should start with cribs..but it's up to you"

Adam laughed, "You lead the way, you've done this before. Only thing I know she needs is a chastity belt as soon as she starts looking at boys" he shivered at the thought, "but, yes. Let's start with a crib"

"Uncle Adam" Annabelle touched his cheek, "what's an astity belt?" The little girl unable to pronounce it properly.

"It's nothing..don't listen to your uncle, he's silly" Lori answered for her brother, shooting him a dirty look as she spoke to her daughter.

Adam was overwhelmed as soon as they hit the furniture section, "Holy shit..Lor..this is far more difficult than I had anticipated.." He scanned the large area of cribs. They had cribs in white, black, oak, a bleached oak and an obnoxious shade of pink, which Annabelle ran towards.

"This one Uncle Adam...my baby cousin wants this one" she tugged his hand towards the pink crib, "it's pretty!"

"That's not the word I'd use" Adam laughed, "I don't think so Banana-belle" he tugged lightly on her ponytail, "what about this one" he asked as ran his hand down the length of a black one, "it's nice"

"Yucky! That's for boys..not girls!" She pouted.

"Adam..what about this one?" Lori pointed to a beautiful white crib, with matching changing table and armoire, "it's modern..and it's really nice"

He eyed it and checked the sturdiness of it, "I like it too" he grabbed the ticket, "shit, it's expensive" the entire set was over a thousand dollars, "too rich for my blood" he shrugged as he moved on to another set.

"Nope. This is the set for my niece" Lori pulled the ticket back out, "Tom and I discussed it, we are buying it for you"

"No..you're not, it's too much" Adam argued, "I'm sure I can find something just as nice for half the price"

"Will you just let me do this for you" Lori grabbed his hand, "please? I know how hard this has been for you...I want to do this Adam, just let me"

He wrapped his arms around her, "Alright, if you insist" he kissed the top of her head, "Thanks..I don't think I could do any of this without you."

"You're going to be a wonderful father Adam, that little girl is so lucky"

They spent what felt like eternity in the store. Adam felt overwhelmed as he sat in the quiet apartment going through his purchases. He quickly found himself surrounded by a mountain of dresses and frilly outfits, headbands, and bows. His sister was like a beast in the store, throwing anything and everything into the shopping cart.

As he put the boxes in the bedroom that would be the nursery he marveled at what his life was now about, his little girl. He had bought pretty much whatever she told him too, including a wipe warmer. Lori had demanded he buy it that her niece needed it, along with the diaper genie. Adam had jokingly asked if that was a genie that would come and change the diaper for him. They had purchased a top of the line baby monitor which included a video camera, though Adam was on board with that one. The wipe warmer he bought just to shut his sister up.

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