Fucking Animals Better Hope We Don't Catch 'Em

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"You are a lucky baby..do you know that?" Kim spoke in hushed tones to Elena, who was currently passed out after nursing, "you've got the best daddy in the entire world. I'm going to make it right, whatever it takes Elena Mae, I'm going to make sure daddy knows how much I love him" her eyes glistened as tears filled them.

She could watch Elena sleep forever, her lips parted just so, her face perfect in every way. Her soft brown hair had a mind of its own and pointed in every which way, she had obviously been blessed with the Ruzek hair.  Kim chuckled softly not sure if it was in fact a blessing or a curse.

While she loved Adam's hair short, she did miss it being longer she loved to run her fingers through it. She missed everything about him.

"You should be sleeping you know" Joy joined her on the couch, "they weren't kidding when they told you to sleep when she does" she tucked her legs up underneath her, "how's she doing?"

Kim glanced at Joy, "She's perfect."

"And you?"

Kim shrugged, adjusting Elena in her arms, "I'm a mess. I don't think I could sleep...I keep thinking about the apartment. They ruined her clothes, Adam wants to throw them out. It was pretty much her entire wardrobe...I have just a few outfits, I don't know what to do" she was torn, she knew she could have them professionally cleaned. She knew whenever she looked at them it would remind her of the horror she felt when she arrived home, but she also knew it would be very expensive to replace everything.

"I'm with Adam. Toss it all" Joy was nauseated at just the thought of her niece wearing anything that monster or monsters had touched, "I will help out. We can go to the mall in the morning"

"Yeah...maybe" Kim agreed half heartedly.

Joy touched her shoulder, "Talk to me. I can tell you're not okay and I'm pretty sure it's more than what went on today, is it Adam? How is it between you two?"

Kim moved to set the baby in the pack and play, she adjusted her ponytail before returning to the couch, "It's confusing" she announced.

"I imagine so" Joy agreed with her sister. Even she had picked up on some awkward vibes when Adam had been at the hospital.

Kim rubbed her hand across her forehead, "One minute he's with me...you know? It's like the last year and a half never happened. Like we had never been apart, it's wonderful" she looked over at the baby, "then something shifts..like when I called him 'baby', he tenses up and you can just feel the tension. It's like an elephant is sitting on my chest..and I can't breathe." She wiped her eyes, "and he's different, he's putting distance between us. It becomes awkward and uncomfortable"

Joy frowned, "A lot has happened between you two, and having Elena certainly didn't help"

Kim glared at her, her brow furrowed, "Excuse me?"

Joy waved her hand, "I don't mean it like that, Kim. I love that little girl, she's a blessing. You can't deny that she hasn't complicated things for you both. After you broke up with Adam, you moved on."

"Don't remind me" she huffed, interrupting Joy. Her sister's steely daze let her know she needed to listen.

"Adam didn't Kim. He was heartbroken, he was hurt." Joy explained, "he watched as you seemed to forget him, that you had found happiness again and he was left with his heart in shambles. He had to find out about you and Sean in a courtroom. I can only imagine how much that must've hurt him"

"I'll never forgive myself for hurting him like that...I never wanted to hurt him"

"I know that, and even Adam knows that. You did that though, and now he's back in your orbit...more so than ever before." She explained, "you guys created this perfect little person, and I love her Kim, but she complicates everything"

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