I'm Sorry Kim

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Kim stirred the mug of herbal tea Erin had placed in front of her, a blueberry muffin accompanied it. Everything was moving so fast, she knew she needed to tell Adam she had fought an internal battle about that one.

She had convinced herself several times over the last few weeks that she wouldn't tell Adam, only to realize that he'd figure it out. She knew she needed to tell him and while she considered not telling him..she knew in her heart of hearts that she would never keep his child from him.

"When are you going to tell him?" Erin asked, she had been shocked to learn of the hook up at her housewarming party and this just added to it, "Jay says he's been miserable..it worse than before"

Kim tapped the spoon against the side of the mug before setting it on a napkin, "He called me a whore" just repeating his words made her physically ill, "never did I think he'd be so cruel to me...and then what do I do? Prove him right by fucking him in your guest room"

Erin as shocked by her friend's admission and her harsh language, "Ugh..I'm sorry. You know he was drunk right? He just lashed out...I'm not condoning it..but he's a mess" she looked Kim dead in the eyes, "I think it's fair to say you both are mess...you're both out to hurt the other"

"Yea..maybe..but look where it got us" Kim placed her hand over the small swell of her baby bump, still barely noticeable.

Erin felt terrible for her friend, "You know I'm here for you...right?" She smiled, "and that baby, Jay and I both will be"

Kim felt a tear slide down her cheek, "I know. I'm still trying to wrap my head around all of it...but one thing I know for sure..probably the only thing I know..is that I love this baby already."

Erin watched as Kim finally took a bite of her muffin, "Do you want me to be with you when you tell Adam?"

Kim covered her mouth with her hand and spoke around the muffin, "No. It'll be fine"

Adam sat at the island in his sister and brother in law's home, the happy sounds of his niece and nephew playing in the living room soothed his anger. It was impossible to be anything but happy when he was near his sister's kids.

Six year old Robbie and four year old Annabelle seemed to just spew happiness and it was exactly what Adam needed it was why he was at his sister's house before ten on a Saturday morning.

Lori handed him a cup of coffee, she could see the pain in his eyes and the exhaustion on his face. She was worried about her little brother, she knew he was on the precipice of a deep dark depression..that it wouldn't take much to have him hit rock bottom.

She hadn't seen him this wound up since Kim broke his heart, whatever progress he had made since then had been shot to shit and he was heart broken all over again..his pain was fresh.

"Adam" she leaned on the island, "what's going on? Did something happen..because you're a mess again"

Adam chuckled, "You don't waste any time do you?"

"Nope" she touched his hand, "what's going on? Please talk to me"

He set the coffee on the island and cleared his throat, "I saw Kim"

Lori tried to hide her emotions, she had been close with Kim, they had spent a lot of time together. The kids loved her, Annabelle especially. The break up had been hard on all of them, Kim had become family and within the blink of an eye she was gone.

Without explanation..Lori now had conflicting emotions when it came to Kim.

"Is that good?" She asked, though judging by his demeanor it was anything but good.

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