You Owe Me Nothing

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Adam grumbled as he rolled over,the tiniest sliver of sun lighting shining into the room, the soft calls of their daughter floated from the monitor, "DaDa DaDa DaDa" she called out over and over again, at differing volumes.

Kim kicked the covers off, it was the middle of winter and Adam had the air conditioning on what felt like full blast. It was freezing and Adam was in nothing but a pair of gym shorts.

"Don't get outta bed"'Adam mumbled when he felt Kim's empty side of the bed, "come back.." He whined, he'd been undercover the last week and a half and he missed her dearly. He was a little heartbroken when he finally arrived at home to find both Kim and Elena already asleep.

"I have to get out of bed, baby. Elena is up" she leaned over the bed and kissed his cheek, "go back to sleep...I know you're exhausted"

Adam barely opened his eyes, "Thanks...I love you, you know" he mumbled.

"Yeah..I know" Kim smiled from the doorway, he had already fallen back to sleep, today was a big day it was Elena's first birthday and while Elena had no idea, Kim was super excited.

She was thrilled Adam's case had wrapped up and he was home to spend the day with them, the birthday party was still a week away. Today was going to be just the three of them, and she was beyond excited.

They'd come so far since the day Sean showed up on her doorstep, it was almost as if she and Adam needed to have that moment. The moment where they had to face Sean Roman head on, they needed it to move forward.

And move forward, is exactly what they had done.

Adam had moved in a few weeks later, and it had been wonderful for them. Elena absolutely loved having Adam around all the time, even though when they didn't live together he was a constant in her life.

She smiled when she spotted Kim come in her room, Elena stood holding the side of the crib already having tossed out her blanket and baby doll.

"Mama!" She grinned revealing her four perfect teeth.

"Happy Birthday sweet girl!" Kim hugged her tight, showering her cheeks with kisses, "let's get you changed and then we can go snuggle with daddy for a little bit before we go to Aunt Joy's for pictures"

Elena babbled in response, she had a lot to say but usually none of it could be understood, though she had some functional speech.

She had four words. Four very important words.





Both Kim and Adam loved it when she babbled on and they pretended they knew exactly what Elena was saying. She had definitely inherited her father's motor mouth. Jay liked to tease Adam, he'd claim that they all could understand Elena better than they understood him.

As soon as Kim set Elena on the bed she scurried across it and immediately began to try and rouse her daddy, she smacked at his face with each slap growing in intensity. She was desperate to wake him.

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