You're Quiet A Little Too Quiet

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It was a warm spring day, the birds chirped happily and the laughter of children filled the air. Kim felt as big as a house her ankles and feet seemed to have tripled in size and if she could get away with going barefoot everywhere she would do it. Alas, it wasn't possible so instead she had opted for a pair of Toms a size bigger than her usual size. She glanced at her phone and scanned the park, her nerves on high alert.

She was meeting up with Lori and the kids for a picnic lunch in the park and while she was excited she was equal parts nervous. Adam and Lori were thick as thieves and she wasn't sure how today would go. The fact that Lori had even agreed to meeting up with her settled her nerves just a bit, the presence of Annabelle and Robbie also helped.

How she missed those kids, they'd spent a lot of time with her and Adam and she often took Annabelle out for a girls day and they'd get their nails painted together. It was one of the many things she was looking forward to doing with her little girl.

He knew she'd probably refuse it, for all he knew she may have had one already but he needed to do this, he wanted to do this. He had recruited Jay to help him, especially since there was no way he'd get the box in his car, and Jay had just purchased a new pick up truck. Adam wouldn't lie he was a little bit jealous, the truck was beautiful but it wasn't practical for a single dad. He had turned in his truck shortly after finding out Kim was pregnant and replaced it with a brand new Lincoln MKZ, it was beautiful but it wasn't his truck.

They loaded up the bed of Jay's truck, and headed on their way.

Jay eyed him closely. "How are up things going with you two?" He quickly returned his eyes to the road, "any better?" Both he and Erin were holding out hope for a reunion between their friends.

"It's good" Adam rested his head on the head rest, "we're gonna be the best parents possible for our little girl, but that's it Jay." He knew where his friend was headed, "it's all about the baby..that's it"

Jay laughed, "Yea..sure buddy"

"Is Uncle Adam gonna be at here?" Robbie asked as they made their way across the park, "cause it's boring if he won't be'll just be girls. Girls are boring" he huffed as he kicked at the loose gravel.

Lori tousled his hair, "Nope, just Aunt..I mean just Kim" her children had always referred to Kim as their aunt and she knew it would be a hard habit to break.

"I see her!" Annabelle took off running, "Aunt Kim!!!"

Kim stood up as quickly as she could and smiled as Annabelle wrapped her arms her waist as best as she could, Kim leaned down to kiss the top of her head, "Hey my sweet Banana-Belle" Adam had bestowed the nickname on the little girl around her second birthday when it seemed the only food she would eat was bananas.

"Your stomach is huge!" Robbie remarked his brown eyes as big as saucers. Kim always thought Robbie looked a lot like Adam. She used to tell him all the time that Robbie looked as if he could be his son.

"Robert Adam! You don't say that" Lori scolded him, her face had turned a lovely fire engine red, "I'm so sorry.."

Kim hugged Robbie,"It's is huge isn't? It just means you cousin is growing as she should"

Robbie groaned, "Ugh..why did it have to be another girl...girls are gross!" He scrunched his face up in disgust, "Mom..can I go play on the swings?"

"Sure..take Annabelle with you" Lori replied, she needed to talk with Kim and the children didn't need to be present for it.

"Really?" Robbie whined.

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