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"Ugh!!" Kim groaned as she tossed her cell phone on the passenger seat, yet another call to Adam had gone right to his voicemail. Kim glanced in the back seat and caught Ellie's eyes in the mirror positioned above her car seat. Her eyes fluttering closed as she sucked on the pacifier, she'd been given a clean bill of health and a shot to each leg. She was seriously pissed off and her tiny chest still heaved with the occasional sob.

It was so Adam like to drop a bombshell like that and promptly go off the grid. She knew the unit had caught a heater and she caught herself speculating over the possible reasons why he dropped that envelope off before sunrise this morning.

"Let's go visit Daddy, does that sound good?" Kim asked an oblivious Ellie, who had finally succumbed to sleep.

She knew it was a long shot that he'd be at the district still, but she had to try. She needed to speak to him, her mind was going crazy and he was the only one would soothe her nerves and restore her sanity.

Kim had to admit she missed the hustle and bustle that lived inside the confines of the 21st District, but she knew she would miss her baby more. It was what led to a sabbatical of sorts, she had put in for an extended leave and by some grace of God it had been granted.

Platt's face was the first she spotted, "Hey Sarge" Kim smiled as she balanced Ellie on her hip.

"Burgess! Bring me that baby" she jumped out from behind her desk, "Oh my...she's so cute! How is that possible? She looks so much like her daddy...Don't tell him I said that" Platt quickly corrected herself, "he's upstairs by the way"

"Good" Kim smiled as Trudy took the baby from her, "Can I go up?"

"I don't care" Trudy responded barely looking up from a babbling Ellie, she had found her voice within the last few weeks, she blindly reached for the buzzer.

Though it seemed unnecessary as the group filed downstairs, "Kim..hey" Adam seemed shocked but Kim thought he sounded happy, "you okay?" He touched her arm.

"Okay?" She laughed nervously, "I'm kinda in shock...after that bomb you dropped on me this morning"

He caught Ellie's eye, the baby's face lighting up and her arms flailed wildly in excitement when she heard his voice, "Ellie-bellie" he teased as he tickled her tummy, "I gotta run, Kim. Can we talk when I get off?"

Her shoulders sagged and she felt her frustration mount, she'd been dying to talk to him all day, "Yea...I guess"

He paused in the doorway, "Doctors appointment? That go okay?"

"It did" Kim replied, taking Elena back from Trudy, the baby upset that Adam had left.

"Good...you should call Lori. She's been asking about you" He waved to Elena and blew her a kiss before running to catch up with Al.

Kim decided to go with his suggestion, it had been a few weeks since she'd seen Lori and the kids and she needed a distraction until she could talk to Adam, and what his latest move would mean for them going forward.

The weather was warm and Kim was desperate to get out of the apartment, they'd agreed to meet at the park for a picnic lunch. Annabelle and Robert could run around and blow off some steam, and Elena would get some fresh air. She'd love to pick Lori's brain but knowing Adam as well as she did, she was certain he wouldn't have said anything to his sister.

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