He Talked His Way Out Of It

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Adam and Joy watched as Elena took a very shaky step towards the coffee table in the in Joy's living room.

"She's walking! Holy shit...she's walking!" Adam shouted, startling Elena who promptly fell on her diapered bottom, Adam rushed to her and scooped her up. He held her high over his head, "you did it baby girl, you walked! Daddy's so proud of you" he brought her back down into his arms and held her tight.

Joy just smiled at the pair. After a few minutes she finally spoke, "Adam, I'm so happy for you and Kim. I hated when you two broke up and she started seeing Sean" Joy noticed him flinch, "I know he's not your favorite topic and he's certainly not mine..but he was toxic for my sister from day one. He played her like a fiddle, she never loved him, never cared for him not the way she loves and cares for you"

Adam offered her half a smile, "I know, and you're right I don't like talking about him. Kim and I agreed to leave him in the past, and that's what we're doing. We've got so much to look forward to, that looking backwards isn't worth it. We've both learned from our mistakes and they won't be repeated" he set Elena back on the floor and returned to the boxed photo on the table, "thank you for doing this"

Joy knew he was changing the subject, "You're welcome, I loved doing it. How did you get out of the house without her?"

"I told her I had some errands, and I've been working a lot so I told her I wanted to bring Ellie with me, told her to lay down and rest. She's not" he laughed.

"Doesn't surprise me at all, what's she doing?"

"Shopping for party decorations, she'll be out awhile. I figured I'd take Ellie to the park and grab an early dinner" he closed the box and packed it in the diaper bag, "thanks again, are you sure I can't pay you?"

"Yes!" Joy handed him Elena, "she's my niece Adam, I love taking pictures of her. I'd never make you pay"

"I know...but I know putting the final touches on the surprise wasn't easy" Adam hugged her, "thanks again"

Party City was quickly turning into a party nightmare. Kim groaned as she went down aisle after aisle of decorations and couldn't come up with a theme she'd like and Adam would like.

She knew he had already nixed Frozen after Annabelle had suggested it, he hated that movie and he vowed to keep Elena from it for as long as possible. He had also requested nothing with too much pink that he hated pink and his daughter did too. While Kim thought he was being just a little silly, she tended to agree with him on the pink front.

As she scanned the aisles for something appropriate she couldn't help but reflect on the last year of her life. It had been a roller coaster of emotions and she finally found herself on the right side of it all.

She was blissfully happy, she had an amazing daughter and her and Adam were closer than they'd ever been.

Life was truly good.

When she came upon the display set up in the center of the aisle she knew she had found it. Lori had the cutest dog, it was a mutt of some sort but it had the cutest face and Elena adored her. When she found the decorations adorned with puppies she couldn't pass it up, it also fit Adam's requirement of not being 'too girlie'.

She filled the cart with multiple packages of the paper goods and was relieved to have finally accomplished something related to the party she was having in just a few days time.

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