This Is Insane

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Joy was pacing in the family room, as the hours passed by the small room quickly filled it up, Lori and her children had just arrived.

"Do we know anything?" Lori asked, she had wanted to come sooner but Tom was away on business and she knew finding a babysitter in the middle of the night would've been impossible.

"Nothing" Joy replied, "aside from the last update that she was being moved to an operating room as a precaution" she gratefully accepted the cup of coffee Jay and Kevin had returned with, "Adam's with her, been with her the whole time, so that's a positive" she smiled, trying to focus on the positive. She knew Kim was terrified and she too was worried, things seemed to move way too fast.

He tightened the pink blanket around the small bundle and smiled as he walked her over, "Mom, your daughter" he gently placed her in Kim's waiting arms.

Adam finally felt as if he could breathe. He ran his finger along side her tiny face, "is she okay? Why wasn't she crying?" He stole a brief glance at the doctor, he didn't want to take his eyes of his daughter for more than a few seconds at time. His love for her was all consuming and it terrified him.

"She's good" he reassured them, "we've checked her out and everything looks good, just exhausted from making her grand entrance" he laughed softly, "We will keep close tabs on her and she'll get a more thorough work up in a few hours, but she's good all six pounds three ounces of her"

"Thank you" Adam mumbled quickly, before placing a gentle kiss on the infant's head.

"You bet, I'm going to leave you folks alone for now, please use the call button if you need anything." He smiled, "congratulations"

"Thanks" Kim smiled up at him as he left the room, she looked at Adam, "are you ready to hold your little girl?"

"Are you sure?" Adam asked as he stood up, he was more nervous than he had anticipated, "I've never held a baby as small as her before...she's so tiny" he had only held Lori's kids and then they had been much older.

"Of course I'm sure" Kim had been looking forward to this moment for so long, she couldn't wait to see Adam holding their baby, "she wants her daddy" she whispered as the baby started to stir.

"Daddy..huh" Adam repeated, "I like the sound of that." He carefully leaned down and scooped the infant out of Kim's arms, he nuzzled his nose against his cheek as he held her close.

She watched as he whispered into the sleeping infant's ear, his eyes watery as he walked with her around the small room. The tiny baby fit perfectly in his arms, as if his arms were made just to hold her. Kim felt her heart burst with love, not just for her daughter but for him too.

"What are you thinking?" She finally asked as he settled into the recliner in the corner of the room, his gaze still stuck on their daughter.

He cleared his throat, and she knew he had been crying, "I think I'm head over heels in love with her...I'm in trouble." He laughed softly, "I would do anything for her, Kim. Anything at all..she's beautiful"

Kim smiled brightly, "I know it's sister tried to explain what it would be like when she was born..and I got to hold her for the first time, I didn't really get it then...but it all makes sense now..she's amazing"

Adam looked up at her, "So are you. You know that right?" He had been blown away by Kim's strength and continuous refusal of pain medicine, "I always knew you were strong..but you further cemented that tonight...well this morning" he nodded to the morning sun, "I probably should go downstairs and let the crowd know she's here" he walked slowly to Kim and placed the baby in her arms, "I love you little one..I'll be right back" he kissed the tip of her perfectly formed nose, he glanced at Kim and before he could stop himself he placed a tender kiss on her forehead, "I'll be right back"

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