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Disclaimer: I only own my characters and ideas! Veronica Roth owns everything else. If I was Veronica Roth then I don't think Divergent would be half as amazing as it is.

Just so you know, the war did happen. It'll make sense soon if it doesn't already.

/\ Thirteen Years Ago /\

"Tobias, there's something I need to tell you." Tris says, sitting down on his bed. She keeps one arm around her stomach, as if she's going to be sick.

He sits down next to her. "What is it?"

She looks absolutely terrified. "I-I know that we just got married, and this is really way too soon, and-"

"Tris." He cuts her off. "You know I hate it when you beat around the bush."

She closes her eyes and swallows hard. "Yes, I know. Sorry. But the thing is..." She opens her eyes. "I'm pregnant, Tobias."

He just stares at her for a minute. "Are you sure?"

She nods. "Yes. Positive." He sighs and hunches over. "What's wrong?" She was hoping that he'd be happy. A thought occurs to her- maybe he won't want her anymore. Maybe he won't want the baby.

He mutters something.


"I'm afraid, Tris!" He shouts. He looks on the verge of tears. "What if you or the baby steps out of line and I hit you? What if I end up just like my father? Then what?"

She puts her hand on his shoulder. "You wouldn't-"

"Well what if I did?" He snaps. "What if one day I'm just so angry and stressed that I just-" He unclenches his fists. "I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I hurt you."

She presses her hand to his cheek. "You wouldn't do that, Tobias. You're a good man."

"So was my father." He retorts.

"Hey, stop that. You just said that you wouldn't be able to live with hurting me. I know you. I know that you wouldn't ever be able to hurt someone."

"What if I put you in danger? My mother's still out there."

"Then we'll face her together. It'll be fine, I promise. We'll be fine."

He half-smiles at the floor. "Yeah, I guess you're right. What do you think we should name them?"

She shakes her head, grinning. "No idea. But I'm sure that the others can help us. Wanna go see?"

He shrugs and stands up, carefully helping her to her feet. "Sure."

"You don't need to treat me like I'm glass, you know." She teases. "I'm fine."

He rolls his eyes. "Whatever you say, Tris."

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