Chapter 23

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The name rings loud in my head. A dozen memories in my mind flash through at once- all of my father, sitting next to me on my bed with a pained expression, telling me about his initation instructor, a kind man that helped him hide his Divergence.

That man that died over a decade ago, murdered, his body lying dead by the train tracks- that man stands in front of me now.

His mouth tilts up in a smile. "Four! It's great to see you!" His eyes scan the group, lighting up even more when they see Shauna and Zeke. "Ah, Zeke and Shauna, right? Good to see you two. Glad you passed initiation." He moves closer.

Zeke and my father look as though they've seen a ghost, and they- along with Uriah, Lynn, Shauna, and Marlene- pale even more when a light-skinned figure hops out of the truck, blonde ponytail swaying over her back.

She walks up next to Amar, standing with her arms crossed over her black-and-leather-clad chest, smirking. She has two lip rings on the right side of her lips, and at least five piercings in each ear. Her black-painted nails tap against her leather jacket.

"L-Lauren?" Shauna stutters out. Lauren. She had been my father's friend, before she died in the original attack on Abnegation. Something feels twisted and missing inside of me- these two should be dead. How are they alive? How are they not dead?

The blonde shakes her head. "Nope. Lauren and I were cousins. I'm Fate."

"Fate?" Destiny snorts.

The girl turns, narrowing her eyes. Her black and gray eyeshadow and thick black eyeliner make her look even scarier than she probably does without. "Yeah. You got a problem with it, punk?"

"Definitely not Lauren." Dad mutters. He shakes his head. "What do you two want with us?"

Fate's smirk grows. "Well, you weren't expecting this place to be abandoned, were ya? Hop in the truck, we're takin' you to the compound. They'll explain everything there." She turns on the heel of her boot and swings herself back into the passenger seat of the truck.

Amar sighs. "I apologize for her. She just got out of the New York project. She's a little...rough."

My mom seems to have found her voice. "A little? You sure on that?"

Amar grins. "Well, Four, I can see why you would marry her." His eyes fall on me, and they darken slightly. "Your daughter is pretty. Looks just like you two."

Jack and Ryde step closer, protectively. Amar looks at Jack. "And who's this, your son?" He shakes his head at himself. "Never mind. Stupid question. Jack...Cain, right?"

"How do you know my name?" Jack's eyes narrow.

Amar smiles. "Laurie and John are your parents, huh?"

Something softens in Jack's eyes for a second before he flings his walls back up, clenching his fists. "Yeah, what's it to you?"

Amar laughs. "Oh, you're a tough one. Just like your dad."

"What do you know about my dad?" Jack looks murderous. I slowly wrap my hand around his wrist, gripping it tightly.

"He's a good man."

"He's dead." Jack retorts.

"Mm...maybe not. Get in the truck and it'll all make sense when we get there. David'll explain everything."

The "leaders" look at each other, and Harrison nods.

We do as he says and get in.

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