Chapter 35

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My mom, Caleb and I run through the halls. A guard aims his gun at my mom. I shoot him in the chest without stopping.

When we get to the doors, we're completely surrounded. Someone knew about our plan. Someone knew.

Attack drill are the next words that run through my head. I look over at my mom and Caleb, who is right next to me. He has the look of a man that has accepted his death, accepted the fact that this is the only way to make up for any wrong he has commited.

But that is not the way it is.

I remember what my mom used to tell me about self-sacrifice, and how I need to know when it is and isn't the right time to be selfless. You can't let him die a guilt-filled man.

I realize that I don't hate Caleb, not really- I was just angry that he'd been so cruel. But that's how Erudite's are- knowledge is the only thing that matters, and everything else comes at a distance.

And I also realize that only a Divergent could possibly live long enough to fight the serum and punch in that code.

"Uncle Caleb." I whisper, barely moving my lips. "Hand me the backpack."

"No." He says calmly.

"Do it. Please." I beg. "You and mom just follow my lead."

He removes the backpack while we're at a stalemate with the guards and quietly passes the message on to my mom. For the first time, I see fear in her eyes. But there's something else there, too. Something that I would not see if it was my father- understanding.

Was Mom planning the same thing?

I don't know. I probably never will.

I take the pack and sling it over my shoulder, stealing Caleb's gun. I slowly back up and point one at each of them. "These two are my hostages." I say, loudly. "Come after me and they die. Shoot me and they die. Try anything and I'll put a bullet through them both faster than you can blink. Understood?"

The guards don't lower their guns.

"Lower your weapons or I swear to God I'll shoot." I make my voice sound as insane as possible. "And I never miss." They slowly place the guns on the floor, keeping their hands up.

I turn and sprint down the corridor.

What's the code? I think, panicking.

Then it hits me with an image of my uncle sitting in a chair in front of Matthew. "0-8-0-7-1-2, hit the button.

I say this again and again as I sprint through the hallway. I throw the backpack and detonate the bombs. A bit of wall clips the side of my neck, and for a minute I can only concentrate on the pain. Then I shake my head and start towards the door.

That is, until the serum hits me.

I can't really explain how the death serum feels. Sort of like...swimming. No, that's not right. Floating, I guess. But in a thick, tar-like black liquid that coats your limbs and slowly drags you under. The sickly-sweet smell invades my senses, and I shove it away. Nightshade. There's probably nightshade in it.

But the darkness feels...good. Comforting, even. I just want to sink into it and-

No. I pull up a picture of my parents. It's not enough. Maiya. Milla. Celeste. Destiny. Karma. Truth. Hope.  The names come faster. Jack. Uriah. Marlene. Zeke. Shauna. Lynn. Dad. Mom. Ryde.

Ryde. A ton of memories hit me full-force- Ryde and I sitting in an empty cafeteria and swiping chocolate icing on each other's faces. Me smacking him in the face with a pillow when I got irritated with him when I was six. The way our parents joked about how we were going to grow up and fall in love and get married one day. 

How he kissed me that first time, despite the fact that I'm only fourteen. How he's always been so concerned about my happiness and safety that he'd willingly lay down his life if it meant I could walk away.

And slowly, painfully, I begin to drag myself across the tile towards the door.

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