Chapter 21

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A/N: This is where the Allegiant spoilers will start. If you haven't read Allegiant, I suggest that you don't finish this fanfic until you have completed the book because there will be some major spoilers in this.

You have been warned, and any spoiling of major plot twists/major revelations is not my fault since I warned you.

We reach the fence around one in the morning, after a short stop at the Navy Pier to grab some supplies that Uriah had hidden there years ago. He refuses to say what's in the bags, though judging by the faces of my father and Zeke, it's in our best interest to not ask.

The whole way to the fence I had held onto one handle on the outside of the train, leaning the upper half of my body outside of the car. Jack had tried to tell me not to, but Maiya smacked him and told him to just let it go, that I do this all of the time- which I don't. But I'm glad that she got him to leave me be.

I hop down into the light, fluffy covering of snow. There isn't much of it, and I'm sad that I won't see another year of snow in this city.

I don't have much time to think of this, though, because my feet hit a patch of ice and I start to go down. I fall right into Ryde's chest. He catches me and helps me slide my feet back under me. "You alright there?" He asks.

I nod. "Yeah, fine. Be glad I didn't scream."

"I think I would've had to shoot you for blowing our cover." Despite the fact that I'm standing and perfectly fine, he doesn't let go of me.

"Not if I shot you first." I grin.

He rolls his eyes. "Impossible." He says. "I'm a good shot."

"I'm a better shot than you." I tease.

He tilts his head to one side, the only joking thing about his expression being the slight glimmer in his eyes. With only a few streetlights lighting this section of the city, his eyes look black. "Whoever told you that is a liar." He doesn't even smile.

"I don't think so." I smile. "I am quite reliable."

"Ryde! You can take your hands off of my daughter now!" My dad calls, only half joking.

"Sorry Four, I thought she was available!" He lets go of me and walks over to his aunt and uncle, talking to them quietly.

"What do we do now?" I ask my dad.

"We wait." Caleb says to me. He hasn't talked to me at all, really. "We're waiting for a few people."


"Can we tell her?" Caleb asks my parents. I hate how he says it as if I'm not here. It's official- I despise my uncle.

"Of course." My father retorts. I can tell that he doesn't like him either. "She's our daughter, for God's sake."

"Johanna and Cara." My mom says.

My eyes widen. "The leaders of Amity and Erudite? They're coming?"

My dad nods. "Yes. They run a group of people that have been trying to organize something like this for years- the Allegiant. That's why it took us so long to pull this together. We had to contact Johanna and Cara and then wait for their approval."

I look between my parents. "Are you two part of the Allegiant?"

"Not exactly," Dad says, "though we are closely allied with them. Tori is part of them, though, and so is Zeke. That's the only reason why it didn't take quiet as long as it could've for us to get it cleared."

"But why would they have to clear it?"

"Allies." My mother says. "It's all about the allies. We need people inside the city, in case this plan fails."

"Alright. That makes more sense. Why are they called the Allegiant though? It's not like they're Allegiant to the factions, right?"

"The opposite, actually. Their allegiance lies with the factions. In the war, they'd been created specifically to protect the faction system." My dad says. "They went into hiding since it ended."

"Who went into hiding?"

I turn and see Johanna Reyes standing behind the fence. Cara, the leader of Erudite is next to her. "Um, the Allegiant?" I say, confused. How long have they been there?

Cara looks at Dad. "If your daughter knew better, she'd keep her mouth shut."

Will grins. "Hey, sis."

One corner of her mouth twitches upward. "Hey little brother. How's Dauntless life for ya?"

He wraps one arm around Milla and smiles. "It's working out pretty well."

"You'll have to introduce me later. Now, we gotta get outta here." She punches in the code and unlocks the fence. We pile into an Amity truck and Johanna hops into the front.

I'm squished between Jack and Ryde, which is good because they're both really warm. Jack slides an arm around me. "How're you holding up, kid?"

I glare at him. "Don't call me kid."

"Whatever. Are you cold?"

"Very. But I'm used to it."

"Me too. In fact, this is warmer and much more comfortable." He smiles. "Though it does help that you're here."

"That was the worst pickup line I have ever heard."

"I assume Pedrad's tried a few bad ones too." He smirks at Ryde.

I roll my eyes. "Ryde? Yeah right. I'm lucky if he initiates a conversation, huh Ryde?"

He nods in agreement. "Yeah, sure. Whatever."

"Awful antisocial today, aren't you?"

Ryde looks ready to reply, but he's cut off by something hitting the side of the truck.


We're being shot at.

They've caught on to us.

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