Chapter 4

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A/N: I've changed this because I realized that I left out a somewhat-important part xD

Tori ushers me into a Fear Simulation Room, better known to us Dauntless as an FSR. They're usually used for initiation, and technically what we're doing is illegal, but my dad and Tori are Dauntless leaders, so it's all good I guess.

"Okay, you know the drill with this whole thing. I put the serum in through a vein in your neck, you sit back and wait for the simulation to take hold. I can't help you at all, and you have to find your way through the simulations. Got it?"

"Got it." I nod, clenching and unclenching my fists. "Is this like the aptitude tests?"

"Exactly like it, just different scenarios. Your parents just want to see something, okay?" She offers me a smile.

I return it halfheartedly, swiping my sweating palms off on my jeans. She either doesn't notice or doesn't acknowledge it.

Tori wipes off my neck with a wipe and then sticks the needle in. I try not to shudder. God, I hate needles.

The world starts to fade around me. I squeeze my eyes shut, tightening my fists, and then I'm gone.


I'm laying on the floor of the cafeteria in school, the cold tiles pressing into my cheek. I pull myself to my feet and shake off the chill, looking around. On a table are two things- a knife, and a wedge of cheese. I look around, confused. Nothing. No hints.

I sigh and start to go for the knife, then stop. When I blink, they're gone. "Dang it." I mutter.

I turn around and see a tall, skinny figure behind me. It's weird- some sort of bear-dog hybrid that stands on two legs. It glares at me with beady red eyes.

Butterflies rise in my stomach, but rather than acknowledge them, I roll my eyes and put a hand on my hip. The thing has to be ten feet tall. It drops onto two legs and comes towards me, and I reach up with my left hand and smack it on the snout, hard.

"No." I say, pointing at it and giving it a stern look. "Bad dog-thing. You don't growl." It bares its teeth at me. I smack it again and point again. "No. And we most certainly do not show our teeth to people. Haven't you ever heard of manners?"

It cocks its head to the side. "Now shoo. Stop bugging me." It turns and trots off, and when I blink I'm standing on a train. 

A factionless man that's about fifty years old smiles at me with yellow and rotting teeth. His hair is stringy and greasy and gray, coming to about his chin. "Hello little girl, can you help me?"

I resist the urge to shudder and instead fold my hands in front of my waist, putting on a pleasant smile. "Of course, sir. what do you need?"

"Well, you see, someone is after me. This is the man. Have you seen him?" When I take the picture from him and look at the man, a jolt of familiarity goes through me.

"I believe so," I say, "though where I'm not sure."

He narrows his eyes, the pupils bleeding black into the rest of his eyes. "You lie."

"I assure you I'm telling the truth." I hand him back the picture. "Now, if you'll excuse me..."  I take a two-step running start and fling myself out of the train. I'm about to hit the ground when-

-I land smack in the chair in the FSR, but no one is here with me. I stand up and whip around wildly, my hair hitting me in the face. I feel something push me, right between the shoulder blades, and I fall forward.

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