Chapter 33

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A/N: There's a picture of Lily Collins on the side, since she's Destiny/Hope/Truth. And in the external link, there's a picture of Taylor Lautner & Lily Collins (because he'd make a pretty cool Shane, even though Shane is like nonexistent in this story)

Truth, Hope, Destiny, and I all spend more time together than I was expecting. Jack told me that they're in on the plan, and know more than I thought. That, and Ryde is being forced to include his cousins. Yes, Uriah and Marlene are parents sometimes.

My parents seem to like watching what I do, so I make sure to spend a lot of time with Karma and Maiya, just to make sure that I'm in the clear. Even though they're in on the plan, they're not exactly happy with my involvement.

I have to admit that they're actually pretty cool. I was a little nervous about hanging out with them, but Des and Hope are nice. Truth is silent and does a lot of the work, nodding or shrugging when she answers questions.

I spend all day with them while Maiya, Karma, and the other girls work with together on something else. Truth finishes scribbling something down on her paper and gives us a smile. "Done?" Hope asks. Truth nods and hands it to Hope, who reads over it. "Looks good to me. Des?" She hands it to her sister.

Des reads it over a few times and then nods, handing it to me. "Seems fine. Vae?"

I scan over the neat cursive. It was our job to search for any ways to escape and any ways to break into that room that Nita wanted into, and to write up a report. Des, Hope, and I did the scouting and reported back to Truth with what we found.

"Perfect." I hand it back to Truth.

She smiles and stands up. I watch her turn the corner and disappear, going to whereever Ryde and Jack are to hand them the new instructions.

One side of Des's mouth curves up. "So kid. You almost ready for this?"

I feel one side of my mouth twitch upwards. "Hell yeah."

A/N: Sorry it's so short I know! I'll make the next one longer I swear!

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