Chapter 34

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Mom is spending today with Matthew and Caleb, going over the procedure.

This is it. Today is the day.

David and the others were going to unleash the memory serum into Chicago. What it does- it wipes all of your memories, except for things like how to ride a bike. In an attempt to protect our friends and family and complete strangers, we've decided to launch the plan early.

The suit that Caleb is in will hold off the death serum that guards the doors for- hopefully- long enough that he can type in the code and unleash the memory serum here instead. Everyone in on the plan was inoculated last night against it.

My dad, Peter, Christina, Amar, and a few others went into the city so that Zeke and Uriah could get their mom and my Dad could slip some memory serum into one of his parents. Emphasis on one.

My mom and I are supposed to be the diversion so that Caleb can get into the room and activate the serum.

God, I'm so scared. My hands are slick and my jeans probably have handprints on them from where I have continuously wiped them off.

Someone taps me on the shoulder and I jump, twirling around.

Thank God it's only Ryde.

His usual smile when he's with me is gone, replaced by a flat, almost angry look- the look of someone ready to go down fighting for something they believe in.

He pulls me into a hug and kisses the top of my head. I wrap my arms around him and hide my face in his black T-shirt. This could be the last time we see each other. This could be it. The end. The end of us, anyway.

"I want you to do what you have to do and get away from the action, Vae. Can you do that for me? Just lay low and not do anything stupid?"

I nod against his chest, tightening my hold on him. "D-don't do anything stupid, Ryde. I mean it. You need to be careful too." I don't bother making him promise to be safe, or to come back to me alive. I know that would be a stupid request- this is war, and people die in war. There's no avoiding it.

I pull away and brush my fingers over his forehead, moving aside some of his hair. He gives me a tight smile. "I'll be fine, Vae."

"I know." I say. "I know." I hear footsteps and stand on my tiptoes, planting a kiss on his cheek and pulling back.

"What?" He smirks, some of the old Ryde showing through. "No good luck kiss?"

I don't know what to say to that. My heart flutters in my chest. I try to think of something witty to say back. "We'll see when you get back, Pedrad."

"And what about me?"

I roll my eyes. "Go ask Karma for one, Cain. I'm sure she wouldn't mind giving you a kiss."

"Don't listen to her. I don't want you kissing my cousin." Ryde jokingly narrows his eyes at Jack.

"Hey, she's coming with us anyway." Jack shrugs. "We might do something else..."

"Jack!" I shout, trying to stifle my laughter. "There might be little kids around!"

He gives me a hug. "Good luck, Eaton. You're gonna need it."

"Good luck to you too." I say quietly. "And at least hit on Karma a little. She's had guy troubles in the past, but you're a good guy."

"Thanks, kid."

I kick him in the shin and pull back. Mom comes around the corner. "I think that's your cue to leave."

"That's a good guess." My mom says. "And it's right. Ryde and Jack, they need you up front. Vae, you need to come with me."

"It's time?" I almost-squeak.

"Almost." I reach out and take her hand like I'm a little kid again. She gives me the smile usually reserved for nightmares and leads me down and hall. I look back at Jack and Ryde and wave, but they're already gone.

I face forward again and sigh.

I knew this moment would be coming soon- the moment when I have to prove that I am just as brave and selfless and Divergent as my parents.

I just wish it hadn't come so quickly.

A/N: Usually I don't like writing authors notes at the end of chapters like this, since it sort of ruins the tension, but I feel like it's necessary.

There are only maybe two or three chapters and an epilogue left of this story.

I thought that it would be so much longer, but initiating the plan now just seems...right.

So now you know the plan.

Sort of.

In a sense.

This was part of their original plan, but Jack and Ryde decided to initiate it sooner when news about the memory-serum-for-Chicago announcement was made.

Oh, and by the way, I made that picture of Vae over there with a hero maker thing. Sorry it kinda sucks :)

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