Chapter 25- Jack

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Everything about my parents is the same as it was before- my mother's scent, my father's strong grip. Even the look in their eyes, as if no time has passed since I was seven.

It makes me hate them even more.

Maybe I shouldn't say hate- they're my parents, for God's sake!- but I'm still pretty pissed. I mean, come on, you don't just disappear and leave your kid to fend for himself. It's not right. Not to mention the fact that I was half-dead from starvation, and them leaving brought me even closer to dying.

I pull away from my parents. "Jack, sweetheart. What's wrong?" My mother tilts her head to the side, looking worried.

I shake my head. "I need some time to think." I start to back up a bit.

My mother- can I even call her that?- smiles at me. "Alright, sweetie. Take your time." She hands me a slip of paper. "Here's where you can find us."

They walk away, and they seem so happy that I crack a little. I can't stay here if they're here. I can't. I can't and I won't.

I look over at Vae, who is talking to Ryder. Jealously shoots through me, and I can't shove it down. No, I definitely can't stay here. Especially not as long as he is.

A/N: Sorry it's so short, but Jack's POV is really hard to write! Hope you guys liked it :)

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