Chapter 24

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GDs. GPs. We've been watched.

These people are strange. I don't know any of them. Not one. Even after David, their leader, I guess, gave us an explanation of everything I understand nothing. I've filtered out everything, the only sounds my heartbeat and the rushing blood in my ears.

They've been watching me for years.

I have no secrets.


A man named George Wu joins Tori, laughing and calling her "sis". The blood is gone from Tori's face, and all of the other adults seem confused. Maiya and her sisters, as well as Ryde's cousins and basically everyone younger than 25 ran off to explore, but Ryde, Jack, and I were asked to stay.

A tall man with dark blonde hair jogs over in a blue jumpsuit, followed quickly by a woman with a lighter blonde hair color. They share a stunning resemblance to Jack, who stands frozen in place. The blood slowly drains from his face, and his eyes widen. The man and the woman don't notice him, taking quietly to David and Amar.

"Jack." I whisper. "Who are they?"

He says nothing, just stares at the man and woman. Amar gestures towards him, and they turn.

"Jack!" The woman's eyes light up and she runs forward, hugging Jack, even though he's taller than her.

The man wraps his arms around the both of them, the two completely unaware of how stiff and unresponsive he is. "Good to see you, son."

Son? These are Jack's parents?

They both pull away, and the woman smiles. "You've grown up so much." She brushes her hand over his cheek. "I'm so sorry we left, sweetheart."

I feel like I'm invading on a personal moment and turn to look at Ryde. He pulls me to the side. "They were dead." He says quietly, looking at Jack's parents.

I narrow my eyes at him. "How would you know?"

He lets out a sharp breath. "I'll tell you later. It's better if you hear it from both of us."

A/N: Next chapter is a bit of a surprise :) That's why this one is so short.

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