Chapter 29

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"What the hell was that?" I demand, shoving Ryde into the wall. I might be shorter than him, but when I'm mad it fuels me more than adrenaline ever could.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh no you don't. What the hell are you and Jack up to?"

He shakes his head. "Nothing...yet. We'll explain it when it's all figured out." 

"Ryde..." I say, mimicking my mother's warning tone perfectly.

"Vae..." He smirks, mocking me.

I glare at him. Usually I don't mind joking, but I need to know what's going on. 

He sighs, dropping it. "I'll tell you tomorrow. Or Jack will. Both of us suck at explaining."

"What, so you're friends now?" I snap.

"Allies." He corrects me, sounding so much like Caleb I want to smack him. "And it's to make sure that you-" -he pokes me between my eyes with his index finger- "-don't get murdered. Alright?"

"No. Not alright. I need answers, Ryder, and I need them now."

"Fine." He sounds frustrated. "How about this- we're working out a plan to save your scrawny little ungrateful ass and you need to shut up and be patient while we figure out how the hell we're supposed to do that. There's an answer."

I've never heard Ryde get so irritated. I do the best thing before this breaks out into a fight- I turn on my heel and storm off.

I don't get more than three steps before he grabs my elbow. "Vae, wait."

"What?" I ask, spinning around.

He wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me against him. My eyes widen and meet his dark brown ones.

He gives me a boyish grin before bending his head down and placing his lips on mine.

The kiss can't last more than twenty seconds, and he just smirks before letting go of me and walking down the hall. I run my hand through my hair in complete shock.

Does me?

A/N: Hey, guys! Sorry it's so short but meh writer's block.

So in all truth before I read Allegiant this was going to all take place at Dauntless and Jack and Ryde were going to be enemies. Not only that, but they were going to hate each other so much that they were actually going to fight. A lot. And it was going to be kinda funny but then Allegiant happened and whelp you see how it is now :)

But I'm back and I'll try to update more!

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