Chapter 19

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"No." My dad says firmly. "No, no, and again- no. It's way too risky."

"It's possibly our only hope." I tell him. "You know that it's the factionless just as much as I do, and you also know that they have the numbers we lack. No other faction is filled with soldiers, and none of them have the spirit necessary to become soldiers."

My parents look at each other, knowing the risk. Tori, Harrison, and Bud share an equally unsure look. Zeke wraps his arms around Shauna as if he's trying to protect her, while Lynn and Marlene have a heated discussion with Ryde in the other room. My only real ally in this room right now is Jack, and even that's a stretch.

Uriah, in great contrast to the others, looks pumped. "I say we do it. We won't know if we try. It can be all of us that go."

"If we go, then so does Caleb." Mom says quietly.

Everyone stares at her. Excluding Jack, we all know what he'd done to her. "Who's Caleb?" Jack looks confused.

"My uncle." I whisper. "I met him once, and things were...tense between him and Mom." Jack nods.

"Tris, he doesn't need to-"

"Yes, he does." She snaps. She looks from the spot on the table that she'd been blankly staring at to my father. "You don't give up on family, Tobias. No matter how much of a traitor they may be."

Everyone is silent, even Marlene, Lynn, and Ryde, who just reentered the room.

My dad lets out a frustrated breath. "Alright, all in favor of my daughter's plan?"

Everyone except my dad, Harrison, and Bud raise their hands.

"It's decided, then. But who would go?" Tori looks at all of us.

Literally every person in the room raises their hands. "Don't you dare tell me that I'm not allowed to go." I say to my parents. "My plan, so I go."

Ryde steps up next to me. "If Vae's going, I'm going too."

Jack moves a little closer. "Me too." They look at each other, and something passes between them. I can't decipher it before it's gone.

"Then I guess we're all going." Lynn says. She looks at Christina and Will. "What about your kids?"

"They're coming too." Christina nods. "They're good fighters, even Jackson." Jackson is a fearsome little eight-year-old. "What about Kirsty?"

Lynn shrugs. "I'll see, but I don't want her to come. It's not going to be safe." Lynn bites her lip ring and twists the cuff of her sweatshirt, thinking. "She'll most likely want to come."

Tori nods. "Four, Harrison, and I will handle finding a few substitute leaders. Vae, when do you want to take off?"

I think hard about this, which is hard to do with so many sets of eyes on me. "Tomorrow night. Midnight."

Harrison nods and looks at Tori. "Alright. We'll be expecting all of you by the tracks at 11:50. No excuses. Understood?"

No one objects, and my parents leave our apartment with Tori, Harrison, and Bud. I look up at Jack and Ryde.

"Are you guys ready to discover the truth?" I ask.

Jack nods. "Definitely. I'm sick of all of these lies." I couldn't agree more.

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