Chapter 30

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A/N: Well, the last chapter certainly got more reads than I was expecting...

It takes two months for either of them to get back to me. The longest I've ever gone without talking to Ryde is two days, and that's at the most.

But that's a good thing, I guess. Anyone even mentioning Ryde makes my head spin from that kiss. I mean yeah, it's kinda weird that I'm thirteen and he's fifteen, but seriously? My parents are two years apart. I can tell you exactly what you can do with that whole he's-fifteen-and-you're-thirteen crap.

Right. Getting off topic.

It's someone that I don't know that comes up to me and hands me a thick, cream-colored envelope. He looks about twenty, and as he hands me it his eyes scan the room, but no one's paying us any attention. "Open it when you're alone." Is all he says before walking away.

That warning probably shouldn't freak me out as much as it does, but I listen to his warning anyway. Jack and Ryde haven't been sleeping in the Chicago project's room. Uriah and Marlene don't really seem concerned. They're the flexible kind of parents that trust their kid as long as said kid doesn't end up dead in a ditch or poisoned from alcohol or drugs.

I grab a flashlight from under my pillow and sneak out of the room, hiding in one of the abandoned hallways that I usually sneak off to. They creep me out at night, so I stay near the main hall.

I flick on the light and quietly tear open the envelope. There are several papers inside, and I read over them all. Some papers are in Ryde's light, quick writing. Other's are in a thicker, more precise hand- Jack's I'm assuming. Unlike most boys' handwriting, I can easily read theirs'.

When I finish, I slide them back into the envelope and lean my head back against the wall. My heart fights to break out of my chest, and my skin is covered in a thin layer of sweat. They're insane. Absolutely insane.

I climb to my feet and lift the envelope with shaking hands. I shut off the flashlight and spend most of the walk in a shocked daze.


"Are you two insane?" I whisper angrily, slapping the envelope against Jack's chest. "This is a suicide mission. Do you really want to die?"

"It's not that bad, Vae." Jack says in a low voice.

"Not that bad? Not that bad?! No, it won't be that bad until you two are dead on the ground because they freaking shot you!"

"Are you just going to sit around and let them accuse you of pulling shit that you didn't do?" Ryde snaps in reply.

"I can handle myself. And we've done some crazy shit in the past, but this isn't crazy- it's suicidal." I've been arguing with these two for the past ten minutes now. I just can't believe they're that freaking nuts.

Jack shakes his head. "Doesn't matter. Are you in?"

I look between the two of them for a moment, trying to figure this out. How the hell did they go to being best friends?

My hard look doesn't soften. "Yeah, I'm in."

A/N: Oooooooooohhhhhh

Sort-of cliffhanger!

Okay so this is semi-important-

I have no actors that I can find that fit Vae, Ryde, and Jack. Do you guys have any fancasts? If you do, comment them below! I'll look them all up and my favorites will be put in the *official* cast on the side for this story, and I'll dedicate a chapter to you!

Other than that, that's it! See you guys next chapter (which will most likely be tomorrow since I'm on break :D)

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