Chapter 5

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A/N: Omf I just got to the worst part EVER in Allegiant. Why Veronica, WHYYYY??????

I've also decided that later on, there will be some parts of this story similar to Allegiant, though they will be a bit different.

Also, something important- I added something to the last chapter. Something important to the story.

That means go back and read it now, before you continue!!!!!!!

Okay now on with the show! (unless you’re listening to me and going back to read the new addition to Chapter Four. But don’t worry- we’ll all be waiting until you come back :) )

After most of the factionless that were bugging us are dead or severely injured, Maiya, Milla- whose actual name is Camilla- and I split up, searching for friends and relatives. I look through the bodies clothed in all black, especially any men with dark hair or women with blonde.

I'm almost tackled from behind and whip around, ready to fight.

I'm pulled tightly against someone, and I immediately recognize the way his arms fit around me. Ryde.

"Thank God you're alive!" He kisses the top of my head, one hand threading through my now-loose hair, which somehow came out of my ponytail during the chaos. The hand around my upper back tightens. "I thought you were dead."

"Well, I'm obviously not." I say, peeling his arm off of me. "Have you seen my parents?"

His eyes darken. "Yeah. Follow me."


My father leans against a table in the cafeteria, discussing something in a hushed voice with Tori, Bud, and Harrison. Uriah, Zeke, Shauna, Will, Christina, and Marlene are near them, listening quietly. All of their kids whisper back and forth.

As soon as the door clangs shut, everyone looks up, freezing. I run to my dad and hug him. Dad's okay. He's alive. Everything's going to be fine.

But no, everything is not. I can tell by the way he halfheartedly hugs me back, the way his eyes are carefully shielded. He crouches in front of me on the balls of his feet, about a head shorter than me now. "Vae, there's something I need to talk to you about." He glances at everyone else, watching us closely. "We'll talk in a few minutes, okay? Just give me some time to clear this all up."

I nod, and he stands up and returns to his conversation. Ryde grabs my arm and pulls me about five tables away, sitting down in a chair. Something's not right- he's keeping quiet for a reason. The only time he's ever quiet is when he's hiding something from me.

"You know what's going on, don't you?" My voice comes out sharp, accusing.

He looks at the floor in shame. "I don't want to be the one to tell you. Wait for your dad."

I bounce my leg up and down as I wait for my dad. I look around and notice only one person missing- my mom. Where is she? Is she dead?

Don't you think like that, I snap at myself. Don't you dare consider that to be a possibility. Mom's not dead- that's impossible.

I wait for what feels like hours before my dad makes his way over to Ryde and I. Ryde lets go of my arm and stands up, getting ready to leave.

"Stay." My dad says. "She's going to need you." Ryde doesn't argue. He sits back down and takes my hand, sliding his fingers through mine.

My dad takes a seat and smacks his hands against his knees. I've never seen my dad like this- he's usually pretty open with me about things. But he completely avoids my eyes, avoids looking at me altogether. I realize that something is definitely wrong.

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