Chapter 14

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Jack moves to open the door, but I grab him and hold him back. "I'm in here! Just kick the door down- I think it's locked!"

The door flies open with the sound of splintering wood. Uriah brushes off his black bulletproof vest and grins at me. Marlene, Lynn, and Shauna check that I'm okay, and Zeke leans out into the hallway and yells something.

"I'm fine." I insist. "Where's Ryde?"

"Back at Dauntless, guarding the kids."

Zeke eyes Jack. "Vae, who's this?"

I make quick introductions. "He's coming with us."

"Vae, we don't have-"

"He's coming or I'm staying." I cross my arms over my chest. They know I'm serious.

"Okay, fine." Shauna says. "But you might want to leash him or something."

I roll my eyes. "He won't be a problem or I'll shoot him in the head." I smile sweetly up at him. "Right, Jack?" I pull out my gun and click off the safety.

He eyes it warily. "Yeah. I won't be a problem."

"Alright then, let's go." Lynn leads the way. I grab the blue statue and hurry out. I don't know why, but it feels...important.

We run through hallways- I have no idea how they possibly know where we're going. A few other Dauntless join us, but I know none of them.

"Your parents are with Ryde, don't worry." Marlene drops back and runs on my right. Jack keeps up on my left. I have to double my stride to keep up with his longer one.

"Thanks, Marlene." My heart pounds harder in my chest from running.

We make it to the tracks with not conflict. The others climb in- I'm getting the rear to make sure Jack doesn't run- when a bullet hits right above my hand on the handle. My sweat-covered hand starts to slide. Usually I'll wipe them off on my jeans, but I can't because hello? I'll fall.

A hand grabs my wrist and pulls me in. I fall against someone's chest, and look up to meet a pair of brownish-hazel eyes. I feel my face warm and climb off of him with a muttered 'thanks'. We join Marlene, Uriah, Lynn, Shauna, and Zeke on the opposite side of the car. Lynn eyes Jack and I warily, and I know that she saw what happened over there. She pulls me aside.

"Ryde has been very worried these past few days, Vayna. You better have a good excuse for showing up with this boy now, because he will not be happy if he sees you with some other guy."

"Jack and I- we're not-" I blush.

"It doesn't matter what you are or aren't," She says in a low voice, glancing around. "It matters what he thinks. Understood? I've seen him completely wrecked because he's had girls cheat on him or God only knows what else. I will not see him look like he's been betrayed because he got the wrong idea, get it?"

I nod. "Yeah. I'll...I'll figure something out."

She nods. "Good. Now get ready. We're going to have to jump soon."

A/N: Random question of the post!

Which do you ship more? Vae & Jack or Vae & Ryde?

By the way, Jack is fifteen, like Ryde. He's about three weeks older than Ryde. Ryde misses the Choosing Ceremony by about two months because he's not sixteen yet, so he'll be almost seventeen when he chooses his faction. Jack will be almost seventeen too.

I hope this helps if you thought Jack was older, because he seemed that way to me xD

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