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Maiya looks over at me. "You go first."

I shake my head. "You go first."

"Hell no, do it."

"No. You go."

"God dammit, Vayna Eaton. Jump!"

I sigh. "Fine. But only because you're too scared."

"I'm not scared." She huffs.

I walk back to the edge of the roof, get a running start, and jump. I turn backwards, crossing my arms over my chest, and grin at my best friend before she is replaced by gray brick walls.

The net bounces when I hit it. The breath is almost knocked out of me, and I cover my face with my hands, laughing. I peek up at the sky through my fingers and see two dark figures falling towards me, screaming, and laugh again before rolling over.

Maiya hits the net next to me, and Karma hits it next to her, both laughing so hard that the net shakes. "That was awesome!" Karma shouts.

A hand wraps around my wrist and tugs me towards the edge. Ryde helps me down and wraps his arms around my waist. "Welcome to Dauntless." He smirks and kisses me.

I pull back, feeling my dad's eyes on us. It's not Ryde he has a problem with- he has a problem with the fact that we're dating.

Jack helps Karma down and immediately pulls her in for a kiss. "Jack!" She giggles. They've been dating for about two years now, and I'm glad that they're happy together. Karma and I have become close over these past two years, and she's a really nice girl.

Ryde holds my hand and pulls me along, following the adults. I sigh, sadly. "I can't believe this is it. I'm gonna miss this place."

He gives a pained smile. "I know. I will too."

"It sucks that we couldn't do initiation like we wanted to."

"We still have each other." He kisses my cheek.

"That was the most cliched line ever, Ryder."

He throws his head back and laughs. "But it's true."

"That it is." I check my phone. "Hey, don't you have work?"

He grins. "I don't think work is what I want to be doing right now." I'm pretty sure I'm blushing.

"Ryde, you better not be saying you want to do my daughter!" My dad calls over his shoulder, and Ryde and I start laughing.

"She's free game, Four!" Zeke shouts back at him. This makes everyone laugh, and makes Maiya, Ryde, Jack, Karma and I fall over each other laughing.

Maiya's phone rings. I smirk. "Ooooooh, your lover?"

She swats my arm, her cheeks flushing. "Yes, it's Troy. Big deal." She falls back, talking on the phone with her boyfriend.

Ryde throws an arm around my shoulders. "I love you." He says it quietly in my ear. I try to force away the heat that creeps up onto my cheeks.

"I love you too." I lean my head against his shoulder.

And together, we walk out into Chicago, the city that was- and still is- our home.

And now that the storm is over and the physical damage has been repaired. The place where our dreams are being forged and are coming true. The place where slowly, we are being mended.

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