Chapter 12

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A/N: Tsk, tsk. I am very disappointed. Only ONE PERSON understood the blue statue.

Tsk, tsk.

This disappoints me.

But oh well, I'll give you an update anyway, I guess * dramatic disappointed sigh*

They use a plastic tie to tie my hands behind my back- shocker there.

"What time is it?" I whisper to Jack, standing off camera while my grandmother goes through some long introduction.

He narrows his eyes. "Why should I tell you?"

"I'm just curious."

He rolls his eyes and checks his watch. "Nine in the morning. Happy?"

Nine hours. It's been nine hours since I left. It feels like it was so much longer; it feels like it was so much shorter.

Jack shoves me forward suddenly. I stumble forward and give him a hard glare, part of my ponytail in my eyes. I flick my head to the side and move forward so that I stand next to my grandmother, looking straight into the camera. I imagine looking straight through to my parents, to my friends, to Ryde. I try hard to look emotionless.

"...She is completely unharmed. For now. However, if you do not meet the second term, Vae will take her mother's place and she will die."

Woah, what?

"I didn't come here for a death sentence." I snap. "And you know that the factions will not give up everything that they've done for the past few years just because you and the factionless have decided to throw a hissy fit." Ryde and my mother are probably laughing. My father is probably irritated with me.

She turns her head to look at me. I see Jack subtly shake his head from the corner of my eye. "This is a serious war threat, Vayna, and as my hostage I would prefer you to mind your manners, since I have all of the power here."

"Okay, one, I came of my own accord. A hostage is kidnapped. I was not, thus proving how terrified of the Dauntless you truly are. Two, you have no weapons. A diseased piece of glass and a rusty hammer will hurt, sure. And they will probably poison my blood or kill me. But compared to guns and trained soldiers? You've got to be joking. Even the kids can shoot guns!"

She narrows her eyes at me.

"You act like I'm joking. My dad's a Dauntless leader- I think I know the faction pretty well. Just saying."

She turns back to the camera. "As I was saying. You have six days. At midnight on the sixth day, if our requirements are not met, Vayna will die, and it will be broadcasted for you to watch. That is all." The camera shuts off.

My grandmother turns and narrows her eyes at me, and when she does I know that I'm- as Zeke and Uriah have said to Ryde- in a shitload of trouble.

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