Chapter 13

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At least three days go by before I get any food. Jack is not forced to stay in my room with me, so I'm basically in solitary confinement.

I spend it mostly going nuts, talking to that blue statue on the bedside table more often than not. I wonder why it's so significant- why it would possibly in "my" room. Maybe it was Evelyn's- that's what I've decided to call her- and she wants me to feel closer to her. Or maybe not. Maybe it belonged to Marcus, my grandfather and her husband. Or ex-husband, I'm not really sure if faking your death counts as a divorce.

I stare up at the ceiling and try to block out the feeling of my stomach eating itself. Okay, so I know that that's not really possible, but it feels that way.

The door creaks open and then shuts. I don't look away from the ceiling and the shots of light coming in through the cracks in the wood.

"Well, aren't you looking depressed." Jack. A dark, nasty feeling lives in my stomach, in my chest. Hatred. I've never felt it before, not even for the girls at school. But even my parent's don;t know about that. Neither does Ryde.

I don't reply.

"Aren't you hungry? I've brought food."

"Oh, you're going to poison me? I feel honored." I retort.

"What are you talking about?"

"Everyone here obviously wants me dead. Although truthfully I'd rather be shot. It would be a much better story- Vae, the girl who was shot. The girl who was poisoned? Not my style." My voice is a dry croak. I can barely keep my eyes open.

"Alright, quit the smartass shit and just eat. You're half dead."

"Like I care. Aren't you just going to kill me anyway? It's been what, five days?"

"Six." He sighs, setting something down. "It's night, obviously."

"So I'm screwed." I tell him. I don't even feel disappointed. I know that everyone will be just fine without me.

"No, you're not." He lets out a deep breath. "I was spying a bit on the Dauntless, and I overheard two people talking. They said something about an attack moving out soon to break you out."

I lift my head to look at him. "And why are you telling me this? Why are you even here? Shouldn't you be helping prepare for the attack like I'm sure everyone else is?"

"That's the thing- no one else knows."

This completely baffles me- Jack, who seems so dedicated to the factionless, hasn't told Evelyn about an attack?

"Why not?"

"I didn't tell them."

I push myself up. It takes too much effort, and I slide to the floor, propping myself up against the bed. "Why didn't you tell them? Aren't you-"

He was moving towards me as I was talking, and now he claps a hand over my mouth. He leans down so that his mouth is next to my ear. "They'll be here in about twenty minutes to get you out. I've never really liked being factionless. Take me with you."

I'm speechless. He wants to come with me?

"You want a faction?" I whisper.

He nods. "Yes. I want to be Dauntless, like you. I swear I did nothing to this food. I got it myself. Think of it as one of the ways I could make it up to you for all of this and for making you drag me along with you." He pulls my gun out of a pocket inside of his jacket and hands me it, the handle facing me. "Here's another way."

I look up at him and then reach out, slowly taking my gun from him.

The food he gives me is cold, but it tastes like heaven. It's just plain chicken, some mashed potatoes, and a hard roll, but it's enough. He hands me a dirty glass filled with water, and I drink it all without coming up for air.

Note to self- eat all of the cake you can when you return to Dauntless.

"Better?" He asks.

I tilt my head to the side and nod. "Yeah. Much. What time was you-know-what?"


I check my watch. "It's ten fifty-ni-"

There's a loud pounding on the door. "Open up or we'll kick the door down!" 

The voice does not belong to a factionless.

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