Rumors Of Partners

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Jaune looked down at Craig as he then walked around looking for his locker around. "I know I put it in that locker! I wouldn't gave gone this far!" He said as then Craig chuckled and looked at him, fixing his clothes. "Don't worry. You'll find it. I kinda keep my stuff with me. So yeah." He then saw a pair who was some guy wearing green and a girl wearing pink behind him as she was talking and he was just walking. "Huh. That girl is really just wanting to talk to someone." He then looked around and saw Yang and Ruby and smiled, standing up and walking towards them.

"Hello ladies."
"Hey Craig." The both of them said as them said as then Ruby pulled out her her sythce and hugged it with a smile. Yang shook her head and looked at Craig. "A big geek in weapons. Whose my sister." Craig laughed a little bit as he looked at his back to look at his katana. "Well I'm pretty good with my weapons. Oh yeah, did you two hear about partners? I was wondering if you two could be one of mine." He asked as then Yang put a arm around Ruby. "Sorry, but I got my baby sis! And I bet she'll be crying if I wasn't her partner."
"I would not! I would just be mad and or sad. Ooo, how about you team up with Jaune? You and him seem pretty cool!"
"Could be a plan. I'll see if he wants to. I hope that he isn't doing anything bad to himself. I'll talk to you two later." He said before the both of them waved and he went over to see Jaune, Weiss and a new red headed girl with them as Craig rubbed his chin.

"Do you know who she is?" Asked Weiss as then Craig came in. "Aren't you that girl that made some record when you were like... 14?"
"Yes. Did alot of stuff when I was young. I won alot of gold medals in stuff. I'm Pyrrha." She said as she waved towards him. Jaune shook his head at her. "Umm. Never heard of her."
"Ugh! She's on the cover of every cereal box!" Wiess said as she stomped her foot aroune and Jaune gasped as he put his hands to his cheek. "No way! They only do that for athletes and cartoon characters!"
"Yeah.... I've done it for a while. Until I heard of it being unhealthy, so I stopped." Pyhrra said as then Weiss looked at both Craig and Jaune with her arms crossed. "Do you think that you two could be with such a perfect girl such as her?" Jaune looke down as he rubbed his head and Craig just sighed.

The speaker at the top of the locker room started to come on and said, "All first year students come outside for your first assignments."

Pyrrha came and rubbed the blonde's shoulder. "It's okay. I think you can be a great leader."
"Really? Stop it!"
"Stop it. This kind of behavior is not supposed to be tolerated."
"Spots are filling up quickly. You know, I pull my strings right, get you on the team."
"This is getting weird. Pyrrha!" Weiss shouted Jaune and Craig looked back and then Pyrrha threw her spear at him and then made him stick to a locker as her and Wiess started to walk away. "Sorry, Jaune. I'll see you later." She walked away with Weiss to her side.

"Good job, lady killer." Ruby said as she came with Yang and Craig beside her and she gave a hand out to him. "I don't know what's wrong. My mom said that all women want is to see confidence in a guy."
"Well Ice Queen was not the best start to go with." Yang said as then she started to go and Craig grabbed the other side of him with a sigh. "Let's go." Both Ruby and him said.

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