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((Okay, in this chapter, I would like to say that Ryve is actually a character that is made by a person named  monochromeMiasma. She is the original creator of this person. I'll leave a link of her Devianart account in the story, go check her out, she has a lot of stuff featuring her character.))

Craig was on pad as he looked over at everyone else that was beside him, including Ruby, Yang, Weiss and on his other side was Pyrrha, Dahila, Blake, Jaune and some other people.

"Today, you will be fired off of these pads and onto the ground with your own landing strategy." Dr. Ozpin said as he was standing in front of us. The blonde lady holding a clipboard looked down at it. "I'm sure you've heard about teams today. We were going to have it done one way, but we thought this way was better. Once you land down on the ground, The first person you lay eyes on, is your partner. FOREVER." Everyone's eyes widened as then Ruby started it to think to herself about not being partnered with Yang.

"Any questions?" He asked as Jaune rasied his hand. "Yeah... Umm... What's that part about a landing strategy?" The pads started to launch people from the left to the right. Ozpin looked at Jaune as he smiled. "What I mean by that is you'll be in the air and you have to get down."
"You haven't given us any parachutes or anything?"
"Nope. Just you and whatever you have."

Yang looked at her sister as she then put her shades on and chuckled. "See you on the other side." She said as she got launched. "Woohoo!"

"And... What happens if we get hurt? That's pretty high?" Ozpin just smiled at Jaune as then he was the last one and got launched up in the air and was flailing around.

"Hmph. Surprised that the boy is actually making it." The blond said as Ozpin looked at her. "Now. We shouldn't underestimate our students. They could surprise us."

Most people got to the ground rather quickly as they used thier weapons to get to the ground safely. Pyrrha got to a tree branch as she then looked over and saw Jaune falling still as she turned her rifle into a long spear and aimed with her thump, checking for which way the wind was blowing before she threw it. The spear went extra far, due to the shot blasting in the back.

"Thank You!"
"Sorry!" The redhead said as she heard him from far away.

Ruby used her sythce and maneuvered it around the tress to get down on the ground. She then started to run as fast as she can. "Gotta find Yang, Gotta find Yang, Gotta find Yang." She kept saying to herself as she kept running quickly.

Craig got down by using his kantna and revolver. Stabbing and shooting, he got to the ground quickly. "Well then. That was easy. Well now partners. Let's look around and find one." He said as he started to walk around with a smile.

Dahila pulled bladed fans from bracelet that was on her wrist and twist them around her body quickly to have a tornado effect and make her fall slowly down to the ground. "Phew... These fans are the best thing in the world... I love them!" She said as started to skip around.

Craig kept walking around as she then heard a bush russle behind him and he pulled out his revolver and pointed at the bush, only to see a girl holding a sword sideways and smiling at him and then her face changed to a confused one. "Hey? What are you aiming at me for?"
"Because you scared me. I thought you were one of the Grimm things. I guess you're not. Does this mean were partners?"
"I guess. Well if we are," She put the sword down into her holster in her back and gave out her hand. "I'm Ryve. Nice to meet you."
"It's Craig. Nice to meet you too."
"Should we get going? I guess we have to find these artifacts or whatever they are."

Ruby kept running as she kept looking around and then bumped into someone, both of them falling down on the ground. "Hey! Watch where you're going!" Said a familiar voice as theb Ruby's eyes widened to see Wiess on the ground, rubbing her head. "Ah, Crap!" Both of the girls said to each other.

Jaune and Pyrrha were walking together as she looked around the dense forest. She moving around tree branches and then Jaune in the back got hit by one. "Sorry!" Pyrrha said as she stood the boy up and looked at his cheek. "Ahh. It's okay."
"Huh... That's werid. Your aura is not working." She said as he became confused. "A what?" "Aura. It's just a thing where it can help you heal injuries."
"So like a force field!"
"Ummm... Sure. I guess you can say that."

Ozpin sipped on his tea while looking down at a tablet as then the blonde lady came up beside him. "Well it looks like everyone found a partner at this point. Nora with Ren? I don't know how that boy can handle her. Jaune and Pyrrha. No matter what anyone say, that boy is not cut out for this level of combat. Hmm. This Craig boy. I've heard about his past. Pretty hard stuff. But I heard he can fight pretty well somehow. Sir?" She stopped rambling on as she looked up at Ozpin as he kept looking down at his tablet and seeing Ruby and Wiess.

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