A Simple Game Of Cat And Mouse

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"Ruby... Like you said, she's been gone this whole weekend! We'll never find her!" Craig whined as Ruby and him were walking around Vale, trying to see if they could find Blake. Ruby turned around and frowned. "Craig, just be positive!" She said towards him as then he sighed. "Ruby, I want you to think about the positive and maybe think of that if we can't find Blake." He said towards her as she frowned. "No! Don't even say that! We'll find her! She couldn't of gone that far!" She shouted. "Yeah! Maybe your faunus friend can be foumd easily with my help!"

Ruby jumped into Craig's hands from the sudden voice behind her.

It was the orange haired girl that both teams had met earlier. Ruby became surpried from hearing the girl and became confused. "Penny? How did you know she was a faunus?"
"It was easy. Those ears that she had were covered by her bow!" She said as then he rubbed his chin. "Huh... I knew that bow was weird when moving by it's self." The moment was quiet between the three as then both Craig and Ruby looked away from Penny.

"She also did like tuna alot." She said awkwardly.

"So where is she at?" Penny asked as then Craig sighed and looked over to Ruby. "Ruby said that we couldn't find her since Friday." Penny gasped and went over to Ruby, who she thought was worried. Who kinda was. "Don't worry, Ruby, my friend! I won't rest until we find your friend!" She said as Craig was laughing in the background and Ruby smirked. "Craig said he couldn't find his pencil and been looking all over for it." She said before the orange haired girl dropped Ruby and went over to him and bear hugged him, making some air in his lungs come out. "Don't you worry, Craig! I'll help you find it!"

"Roman. You're making me wait for whatever we are waiting for." Kathrine said as she had a small Grimm bird fly around her hand and kept looking at Roman, who just had his fedora on and leaning the wall. It was night around the warehouse and some of the White Fang has transported a large shipment of dust. Both Roman and Kathrine were standing around the large open doors of the warehouse as Emily was with the White Fang and playing with them.

"Don't you worry. They'll be here.... These damn animals have to carefully take their time." He said to her as then a large airship started to flash some searchlights to find a place to land. Once they did, they slowly descend to the ground and a door in the back opened. A member of the White Fang walked out and started to walk over to the container to grab it.

Roman, with Kathrine beside him, raised his hands and sighed. "Come on! I didn't hire a bunch of slugs to take this! Get this over with!" He said as then out of nowhere, he felt a blade touch his throat and he was going to curse until a voice said behind.

"Nobody move!" Blake said as she had Roman hostage and Kathrine was going to throw something at her, but Roman stopped her.

Blake took off her bow to reveal two cat ears on her head to show the White Fang. To this, the soldiers lowered their swords and rifles. "Brothers of the White Fang! Why do we work for such a scum?!" She shouted as the soldiers actually started to have some sense hit them. Roman just smirked while looking back at her. "Well you haven't kept up with current events, have you?" He asked her as she became confused and he chuckled. "The White Fang and me are now partners." He said before letting his cane open and shooting a bullet down into the ground, causing a large explosion.

Roman quickly got over to Katherine and he chuckled. "Let's see how you can fight." He said to her as she sighed and pushed him to the side and made her hand turn to a dark red while laughing. She then made the small Grimm bird that was on her shoulder fly up and transformed in the air and came down as a Usra Major while looking at Blake, now having a blonde monkey faunus by her side, growled as Katherine chuckled and rubbed the Ursa.

"I think the cat deserves a lesson."

She said before the Ursa roared once more and started to run towards Blake and the blonde faunus as they moved over to the side and got spilt up. The blonde hair faunus was going to attack the Ursa, until young Emily came behind him and punched his back, getting all the air out him and taking him down.

The monkey started to groan loudly while looking at Emily, who just had her fist up and looked at him. He quickly got up and pulled out a staff while smirking. "Well then... My name is Sun, since everyone is rude for no introduction." He said as then Emily charged at him, having a fist ready to connect to his gut but he backed away and let her hit the air as she growled and made her fist glow a little bit.

Blake was by herself, fighting both Katherine's Ursa and Roman at the same time. Whenever she thought she could take a breath from the Ursa, Roman would try to attack and shoot at her. She was very busy and didn't have much options. She tried to make shadows at times to confuse both of them, but it would seem to never work. When she got tired, she got hit by Roman's bullet and got blasted away to hit the ground and be injured. The Ursa came to her face and roared in it as then it got shot in the stomach and got pushed way far back.

"Nice shot." Ruby and Craig had gotten to the top of a different werehouse as Ruby got a clear shot of the Ursa on top of Blake and they jumped down. Craig went to help Sun as Ruby went for Blake.

When one of the White Fang tried to get at Sun with the help of Emily, but Craig came in and punched away the solider to the ground as he pulled his sword out and twisted it around with his gun coming to his other hand. He shot at another soldier as Sun changed his weapon from a staff to two Flintlock pistols connected by a chain. He started to swing around his pistols to get some of the White Fang around him. Craig made a fist while looking at Emily. "Hey.... Emily..." He said as he looked at her and made his fist tighter. "Emily.... Please.... This is not you.. You remember me? I'm big brother!" He said as he walked towards her slowly and gave a hand out. When he tried to do that, she twitched and just grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards her and punched his stomach with more power from her glowling fist. He feel the damage from the fist as she then put her hand over his face and slammed him down on the concrete, having it crack and break under him.

"Enough playing games, ladies." Roman said as then he looked over at the shipment and looked back at some of the airships and sighed. "These damn kids ruin everything. Katherine! Come on!" He shouted towards her as then she looked over at him and nodded. Glancing over, she started to run to Emily as she quickly grabbed her hand and started to lead her. But when she passed by Craig, both of them looked each other in the eyes before she could run off. She got to Roman and got onto one of the airships.

A couple of airships started to fly off as then all of the partners got together and looked at them. Then out of nowhere, Penny came behind them and looked at them fly away. "Ruby! We can't let them get away!" She said as she then made her back open and have some knifes connected by strings came out. She made some knifes cut a ship in half as then Craig's eyes widened and he ran over to her and waved his hands. "Penny! Stop!" He said as he then tackled her, but one of her knifes cut his cheek and he fell and slid on the ground. Ruby and the rest went to check on the both of them.

"Roman..." Said a woman in a dark corner as then a flame came from her hand, showing a girl with green hair, a guy with gray gair and finally a woman with a red dress and long, slick black hair.

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