A Sweet Revenge

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"That wasn't very smart." Cardin said as then he picked up a bruised Jaune and held him up as the rest of the team watched him just beat him up. "I'm going to make sure that they send you back to your mommy in pieces." Jaune looked down at him and growled. "I don't care what you do to me... But you never mess with my team!" He shouted at him as then Cardin became surprised and went to punch Jaune, but a bright white light came and stopped the hit. Cardin started to whine from the pain in his hand as then Jaune looked around himself and saw that he looked untouched. As he was confused of what happens, one of Cardin's teammates kicked him on the back and made him fall forward. Cardin picked him up once more and had a snarl.

"Now let see how strong of a man you are now." Just as he said that and Jaune was ready to embrace a hit, until a growl came from the trees and a big Grimm bear, also know as a Ursa Major, came out as team Cardin got defensive. Well, three of his teammates started to run as Cardin just pulled out his weapon and looked at the Ursa and pulled out his mace and tried to swing at it, but the Ursa backed away and hit the mace away from his hands. Cardin got scared as he then fell down and the Ursa got into his face and roar into it.

Ruby heard the roar as so did everyone else heard and became confused. "Did you guys hear that?" She said as then Cardin's teammates started to run and then one of them bumped into Yang as then she looked down at him and picked him up. "What is happening!?" She shouted into his face as then he pointed behind them. "There's some kind of big Ursa that got Cardin!"

Pyrrha's eyes widened as she then looked over. "Jaune!" She shouted as then Ruby quickly looked at Yang and Blake. "You two go get Ms. Goodwitch!" They nodded as they quickly ran and Pyrrha looked over to Ren and Nora as the both of them saw the order in her eyes as they went to go with Yang and Blake. Craig then sighed as he stood up and Teagan came to his side. He just shrugged as he looked over to Ryve and Dahila as they nodded and started to follow the other four.

Pyrrha, Ruby, Weiss, Craig and Teagan all got to the open the forest as then the saw Jaune and the Ursa fighting. As Weiss went forward to fight it, Pyrrha put out a hand to stop as Jaune was cutting the slicing the Ursa as then the bear went to swipe him away and he fell down. He quickly looked at his scroll and saw that his aura was in the red as he just growled and went over to the Ursa. This is when Pyrrha lifted up her hand to have some kind of dark energy came to her hand and then it made Jaune's shield block the shot of the Ursa and he quickly swong his sword and made it's head come off. The rest around Pyrrha looked surprised as then Ruby commented. "What?!"
"How?!" Weiss said as Pyrrha looked at her as she smiled. "It's our semblance. Ruby has speed, you have your Glyphs and I control polarity."

"Woah... You can control poles?" Ruby said as then Weiss sighed. "No! She can control magnets!" "Magnets are cool too." Pyrrha looked at the people behind her as she smiled and started to walk. "How about we all keep this as our little secret, Hmm?" She said with a little chuckle.

Jaune, who was in uniform, was standing on top of the dorm building and looking at the lights as then he heard a voice behind him.

"Fake transcripts?" Teagan said as she was leaning on the door and sighed. Jaune looked behind him and saw her while become surprised. "What!? How do you know!?"
"Well when you shout out stuff, that could be the reason why. But don't worry. Back at Forever Falls, you showed that you didn't need transcripts for just fighting and being brave." She said as then she went over to the edge of the building and sat down on it. "So your secret is safe with me and Pyrrha." Then out of nowhere, Pyrrha pushed him down as he fell on his stomach and she sighed while putting her hands on her hips. "First lesson, be ready for anything." She said as she gave out her hand and then she smiled at him.

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