Slowly Breaking Down

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"So... What's the plan?" Dahila asked, rubbing her shoulders as her, Blake and Sun stood out in an alleyway.

From further down the alleyway was a guard, protecting an entrance to some building. All three of them took a sigh as Dahila crossed her arms. "As much as I hate this new White Fang, I'll be happy to take them down."

"Well, don't worry, you're not the only one on this bandwagon." Blake said as she was looking at the two of them and brushed her shoulders off.

"If anything, we got to have our own mask. Remember, things go south and whatever happens, stick together, and don't try to split up. Worst case scenario, they already know that we'll be here." With Blake saying that, Sun chuckled as he stretched a bit and laughed.

"With our different variations, we should just fit in." He said as Dahila and Blake nodded.

With one last breath, they started to walk, with Blake in the front and the other two behind her. They got in the place without any questions and were handed masks. It was really just a visor that would protect their eyes and the design was Grimm's eyes.

"I've never saw this." Dahila said as then Sun started to inspect it more. "Huh... But Grimm's eyes? Isn't that somewhat dark?"

"Well, the world portraits us as monsters, so why not become what they call us?" Blake said as she put on the mask and kept walking. "If you think this is dark, then the old leader will give you night terrors."

When they got inside, a lot of faunus were bunched up together and cheering. The trio became confused as there was some kind of gigantic mech on the stage.

"That's not a nice toy right there." Sun said as Blake looked around and tried to see if anyone else she knew was around. "I wonder who even called this thing together."

As she said that, Roman came from behind the robot with some girl who had the color of Napoleon (?) ice cream. When the faunus saw Roman, they started to rasie suspicion.

"Hey! Why is there a human here!?" A female shouted as then the orange haired male chuckled and looked at the crowd of animals. "Well, I knew that question was coming. But I'm with you guys. Humans can be horrible... I can say that from first hand experience. And I'm with you guys. So how about we work with you guys to take humans down!" He shouted as then the ground started to go crazy and cheer on with him.

Sticking out like a sore thumb, Blake, Sun and Dahila weren't cheering, which made them more suspicious. That caught Roman and the ice creamed girl's attention quickly as Sun waved a little bit at Roman to make them feel weird. "Blake... You better have a plan..." He said as Blake tried to think and study her surroundings.

With a quick draw of her weapon, she pointed at the electrical box and shot it, damaging it and having the lights turn off.

"Sun, Dahlia, the window!" She shouted as then the three quickly jumped out the window and landed on a roof, jumping down to the ground.

While running, the big mech busted through a wall, having Torchwick inside of it, controlling it.

"Darn animals!" He shouted as he started to run after the trio and chase through.

"Any plans now!?" Dahlia asked as she falls behind both Blake and Sun. "Don't look at me! Ask the plan master!" Sun was still jumping and flipping, anything to just get away from the mech. Blake quickly pulled out her phone and started to contact the rest. "If anyone can hear us, backup is nee-" "Heeeeeellp!" Sun freaked out in the background.

"We're getting chased by this giant mecha thing! It has that Torchwick guy in it, but not like, eaten, but like he's controlling it!" He shouted at the phone to get everyone's attention.

Sooner or later, they got onto the highway where cars were driving and they were jumping on the cars to keep momentum. With the mech behind them just pushing cars away, they kept jumping to get away from the charging mech.

Yang and Neptune soon came behind on Yang's bumblebee and were driving fast behind the huge hunk of metal. "We have to slow it down!" Yang shouted as then Neptune pulled his rifle from his back and started to shoot the bullets onto the back. With the bullets not even inflicting damage on it, Neptune quickly turned his assult rifle to a spear and jumped onto mech and puntched a hole through it, trying to get the user inside.

Roman noticed the stabbing that came from the top and started to turn the mech around in circles while having Neptune hanging onto the spear before having Sun stop on a car and notice. "Neptune!" Before he ran, he put his hands together to have two clones of himself come from the sides and they went to attack the robot.

With one more turn, Roman threw Neptune into Sun as he was in the air. Both of them fell off the bridge and were out of sight.

Weiss came down into the middle of the highway as she held her Mythcaster and started to have a blue light on the ground. The highway turned into thin ice as when the mech ran through it, it fell down and slid off the highway, to lower ground under it.

Team RWBY along with Dahila got infront of it as it stood up and started to rev up the engine inside of it as Roman growled at the girls.

"Now let's play my way, girls! You're either gonna leave here dead or without your friends!"

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