Jealously And Blood

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Ryve looked at her nails as then she kind of threw up in her mouth, Teagan looked at her and frown a little bit. "What's wrong? I painted it the favorite color that you wanted it."
"Heh... It's not that bad. Just not much of a girler girl. So yeah, sorry." Dahlia giggled as she rolled her eyes and looked at her. "It's alright. Just don't worry about it."

"Yeah. Sorry. Where's Craig at? I haven't seen him in a while after we got our room ready." Rvye asked as then she looked outside and sighed. "I think he went over to talk to Weiss. That's what I heard." Dahlia said as she then looked at the fox faunas, who had a frown on her face. She noticed as then Teagan chuckled and put her arm around Ryve and started to shake her. "Don't you worry, girl! If you feeling jealous, me and Dahilia will help!"
"We'll what?!"

Ryve laughed a bit as she then looked out of the window with a sigh. "I'm fine. Don't worry. Where are they at anyway?"
"Oh, I think he went somewhere. I don't know where though." Teagan said. "He's fine! Don't worry! Come on, the more you worry will make you mad in the head. I used to know a girl like that."
"Well, I'm not like that. I can control myself. I'm just worried about him. That's all."


"So you use dust as a weapon?" Craig asked as Weiss nodded and walked around with him.
"Well, it's more than just dust. It's a Multi Action Dust Rapier. Or as I call it, Myrtenaster." Craig rubbed his head as he then sighed nervously. "Not only a cool weapon, but a cooler name."
"I mean, I'm sure your weapon of whatever is cool. I mean, not as cool as mine." She said as she kept walking with him. He then stopped in front of her and sighed. "Hey... I know you and Ruby don't have the best relation." In the middle of his talk, she turned away as soon as she heard him say Ruby.

"All I'm saying is, be nice to her. Like you said, she's a child. Well acts like one. So would you just be nice? For me?" He said as he gave out a pinky with a smile. She sighed as she then wrapped hers around his and sighed. "I'll see what I can do."

He chuckled and then went over to kiss her cheek. She became a dark red as she covered her cheeks and looked down. "W-What was that for? Don't think that this is a start of relation!"
"Just to make that promise official. Well, I should be getting to my team. I'll see you later!" He waved as he then started to walk away from her as she still had the redness in her cheek. Craig then chuckled more, now starting to sound evil in a way. As he kept chuckling, he then bumped into a tall, orange headed kid as Craig laughed and looked up at him. "Hey buddy. Sorry for the mishaps. I guess I-"

The guy lifted him up to face level as he held onto the collar of his shirt and he growled. "Watch where you're going, freak face." He said as then he head-butted Craig and dropped him on the ground, leaving Craig with some blood coming from his nose. Craig laid on the ground and let the blood just flow off from his face, to the ground. Pyrrha came and looked down at him, before picking him up and pulling out a napkin to wipe the blood. "Are you okay? You started to lose some blood. Did Cardin do this?"
"I've seen worse. I'm guessing that Cardin is the one who showed me he has a hard head?"
"Yeah. Craig, if you need help from him, I can help you."
"I'm fine, don't worry. Just stepped on the wrong foot. Really. I'm fine. I can handle a few hits from time to time."

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