A Modern Touch

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"This sure is a shady place. Are you sure we're supposed to be here, Mr. Port?" Daliha asked as she was walking with her professor and with the rest of her teammates while looking around an old castle.

"This is one of the most famous sites of the battles. Such as the Fanus Revolution." He said as then Craig looked over without of his teammates and started to hear some talking. To let curoisity take over him, he walked over to the source of the talking and saw that it was behind a door.

He opened the door, which surprisingly didn't make any creaking noise, and seeing a big golden robot that was in a throne, slouching in the seat. In front of it, was a big, muscular guy and some hooded guy right beside him. Craig looked around as he started to sneak inside of the room to get what they're talking about.

"So this is the famous king? They must of took forever to create this armour. You don't know about this." The hoodrd guy said while walking towards the slouched king. "This is just my wet dream! With breastplates that could make their own shields, to short range shotguns that he could use in the wrist attachment, whoever made this had so much detail to both the looks and function!" The guy said as then the larger one just rubbed his head and looked around.

"Umm... Conner don't feel right about this." He stated as the hooded guy then took his hood off, showing a brown hair, but his whole entire face being covered by a electronic mask, reacting to his facial expressions as if it was his own face. "You always say that when you're not with Haley. So calm down." He said as then a noise came behind a pole in the room as both of then looked at it with surprise.

"Hey, you're the bigger man. Go check it out." He asked as he nodded and went over to the pole where the sound came over as he rested one hand on it and quickly turn to see what was on the other side.

When he went around, there was nothing there but dust flying around. He looked around the pole and became confused while looking back at Logan on the King's armor.

"Umm... There's nothing here?" He said in a confused manner as Logan sighed and sat on the shoulder of the armor. "Well Connor, just search around or whatever." He said with while still admiring the technical armor. Then out of nowhere, Logan felt something bump his back as he turned around quickly and saw that Craig was there with his sword ready and jumped off and went beside Connor.

"Hey kid! Get the hell out of here. I'll- We'll kill you!" He said as Connor got his huge fist ready as Logan also got his fist ready too. "Alright. big guy. Let's fight him and get out of here quick."

When the both of them tried to throw a punch at each other, the ground rumbled as then the king's amour started to rattle and stquickly quickly, starting to look around the 3 guys and had it's blue visor, now red.

"Enemy combatants sighed. Fighting mode, active." The king said as it then made a hammer come to it's hand and gripped it to death.

"Well then, you just saved yourself a one way ticket to hell. But you better help us." Logan said as Craig nodded and twirled his sword around.

"As always. I like a good fight." He said as the three gor ready to go fight.

The king took a quick swing of it's hammer and all of them moved out the way. Craig took the chance and shot a bullet, but it just got reflected by armour and ricocheted to the ground.

"Damn." He said as then the king rasied a foot and kicked him away to a wall. Logan and Connor got ready as Connor went and threw one of his huge fist, but it just got grabbed and threw away.

Logan got angry as his mask turned red and he raised his hand. "Technological Break Down!" He shouted as then the king started to stop and just fell over and stopped moving.

"That's weird..." Logan said as quickly went to the armour and started to touch it. "It shouldn't have broken down this quickly. I mean, the features should have stopped, but not the whole thing. Unless.... They messed with this too! Damn them! Connor, we need to get back!" He shouted as Connor nodded and grabbed Logan and started to leave with him.

Craig just became confused as then professer Port and the rest of his teammates came and had thier weapons out.

"Oh... You guys are kinda late..."

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