21. A+'s and other surprises

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Two weeks passed since Luke asked Corrine to be his girlfriend, and no one seemed to notice. After about three days of no one commenting on their closeness, the two made a game out of it; to see how long it would take them to figure it out. Corrine would have expected Lauren or Mali to catch on, but both girls seemed Oblivious. Luke thought it to be pretty hilarious that their friends were completely unaware of them being a couple.

Corrine sighed, leaning her head against her locker. She'd just finished her science exam, and was exhausted. "I'm so glad this is our last year." Michael groaned, leaning against the locker next to hers.

"Agreed." Corrine said. "But I'm not entirely sure if I'm ready for college. It's a lot harder than this."

"Don't mention it." Michael said.

"Why are exams so god damn stressful!" Calum exclaimed coming to join them.

"What did you have?" Corrine asked.


"Ugh, I wouldn't preferred math to science." Corrine sighed. "At least with Liz, I learned something." she said.

"What did you learn from Liz?" Ashton asked, joining the group. Trailing behind him were Owen, Mali and Lauren.

"That if you don't hand in your homework on time, she gives you that look that makes you wish you could curl up and die." Corrine said. The group laughed.


"Or if you're Ash, and you actually hand in your homework, Liz thinks you're sick and insist that you go home." Lauren snickered.

"You should have seen her face. I walk up, and she goes "Mr. Irwin, if you've forgotten your homework again I don't want to know." and then I say, nope, and hand it in. That look though, freaked me the hell out."

"Where's Luke?" Mali asked, peering around.

"He was in History, but they posted the scores for English, so he's probably there." Michael said.

"I hope he passed." Corrine said. "He's been fretting about it for weeks."

"Yeah, but you were there." Calum said. "Plus you're smart."

"Gee thanks, Cal." Corrine said.

"It was a compliment!"

"I'm teasing."

"Uh oh." Lauren said.

"What?" Owen asked.

"Either I'm seeing things, or a very sad Luke is walking our way." she said. She pointed down the hall where Luke was, walking towards them. Corrine frowned.

"Hey guys." Luke said.

"Hey Luke." Mike said. "So, what's the verdict?" everyone looked to him as they awaited his answer.

"Well, the requirement was that I had to pass with at least a 75." Luke said. Everyone groaned. Corrine bit her bottom lip. "I got a 90." Luke said, grinning, and holding up a slip of paper. Corrine's eyes widened.

"Congratulations!" she exclaimed and embraced him in a hug. Luke wrapped his arms around her.

"I couldn't have done it without you." Corrine rolled her eyes.

"You probably could have." she said. Luke high fived the girls, and the guys. And then he embraced Corrine in another hug. Lauren stared at them for a few moments, and then gasped. Ashton and Owen both looked at her concerned.

"What is it?" the asked in unison. Lauren looked at them.

"One, please never do that again, and two," she looked back to Luke and Corrine. "Is there something you two want to tell us?" she asked, crossing her arms. Everyone looked to them. Corrine glanced up at Luke, who still had his arms wrapped around her waist. He rested his chin on her shoulder.

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