04. day one

377 12 3

word count; 2027




The first thing Corrine did upon waking in the morning was groan.


Today, was September 8th. The first day of senior year, and while she was more than happy to be finishing school, she didn't exactly want to get out of bed. Her bed was warm, and comfy, and was telling her to go back to sleep. Corrine rolled over in attempt to fall back asleep, but the sun had other plans for her. The warm rays of sunshine beamed down on her face, making sleep quite impossible at the moment. She groaned again, before throwing back the covers, and leaving the warmth of her bed.

Corrine lumbered into her bathroom, and began her morning routine. She washed her face, brushed her hair and her teeth. Applied very little makeup – just some foundation and a pale pink lip stick – and then left to dress.

Back in her room, Corrine dressed in a pair of ripped blue jeans, a plain white t-shirt with some lace around the hem, and her flats. After throwing a light grey sweater in her bag she quickly made her way downstairs.

Owen sat at the counter while his parents shuffled through the kitchen tiredly. His mother was on the phone. Most likely with, Merida, her mom's best friend, who made the best chocolate chip cookie in the world according to Corrine and Owen. Corrine grabbed a mug from the cupboard, and poured herself a cup of coffee. No one in this house was a morning person. Especially Corrine. On weekends she could sleep till noon if left undisturbed. And if anyone dared wake up this sweet, kind and gentle girl . . . there'd be hell to pay, and someone would get hurt. Owen had found this out the hard way. He'd only been living with the Lancasters for two years at that point, and was told to go wake her up for lunch. Let's just say, he got a pillow to the face, and Corrine was cranky for the remainder of the day.

Corrine sat down next to Owen, and nudged him with her shoulder. "You ready?" she asked as she sipped her coffee. Owen nodded.

"As ready as one can get." he replied tiredly. Corrine smiled.

"That's the spirit." Owen rolled his eyes.

"Yippee!" he said, un-enthusiastically. Corrine laughed at him.

Owen felt a bit sick when Corrine pulled into the high school parking lot later that morning. Corrine looked at him, and gave him an encouraging smile. "You'll be fine." she whispered to him. Owen faced her.

"You think so?" he asked, nervously.

"I know so." Corrine replied. "You're funny, kind, amazing. You'll do great Owen." Owen beamed up at his older sister. "And besides. I felt the exact same way when I first started high school.

"Okay. I can do this." Owen said.

"YAY! Now come on. I can Lauren and Mali over there." Corrine said pointing. Owen nodded, and opened his door, stepping out of his sister's car.

Lauren moved away from Ashton as he leaned in to hug her. "Ash!" she squealed. "Cut it out. You're embarrassing me." she whined.

"That's my job." he replied, sticking his tongue out.

"Not in public!" she groaned. Lauren and Mali had been extremely excited all morning because they were starting high school, but upon arriving, the two girls got some butterflies in their stomachs Especially Lauren. High School was definitely a step up from middle school. But all that changed when a familiar face came into view.

"Hey! I see Owen." Lauren said, tapping Mali's shoulder. Mali turned slightly to see where Lauren was pointing. She waved her hand in the air. Owen waved back at them, smiling. Calum scowled.

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