25. Rocky

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The Saturday before spring break was due to end, Corrine received a visitor . . . an unwelcomed one at that.

Her and Owen were seated in the Living room, along with Lauren and Mali playing go fish because there was nothing else to do when the doorbell rang. "I got it." Corrine said, standing up, and headed to the front door. When she opened it, she was met with an angry Joey. "What are you doing here." Corrine snapped. Joey smirked, and grabbed her hand, pulling her outside. He closed the door behind them. "Let go of me!"

"You're still feisty after all these years." Joey said with a coy smile. Corrine slapped him.

"What do you want Joey?" she said firmly. Joey walked forward, and Corrine stepped back, but hit the side of the house. Joey leaned in so that his face was close to hers.

"I want to know what you said to Amelia." Corrine scoffed.

"I didn't say anything." Corrine faltered.

"Yeah right. What did you tell her Cory."

"Don't call me that."

"What did you tell her."

"Nothing. She's the one who put me in the hospital for a while, not the other way around."

"She hurt you?" Joey said, his expression changing.

"Don't you dare act all innocent." Corrine said, pushing him. "You don't care at all! You're cruel, and heartless."

"Come on Corrine, that was in the past!"

"You RAPED ME!" Corrine shouted. "I didn't do anything to you! You hurt me!"

"I loved you! I always have!"

"Well I don't love you! And neither does Amelia. She's just using you for sex. She's still in love with Luke." Corrine spat. Suddenly, she felt a stinging situation in her cheek, and brought her hand up. "Stay away from me."

"Maybe it's Luke." Mali said.

"No, she would have invited him inside." Owen said. The three sat, and wondered what was taking Corrine so long.

"Maybe he couldn't stay?" Lauren said, but it sounded more like a question.

"I don't know. I'm going to check on her." Owen said. He stood up, and left. As he opened the door, he spotted Joey.

"I loved you! I always have!" he heard him yell. Owen clenched his fist. He hated Joey with every fiber of his being.

"Well I don't love you! And neither does Amelia. She's just using you for sex. She's still in love with Luke." Owen's blood boiled as he saw Joey slap Corrine across the face. She brought her hand up to her face. "Stay away from me." she said. Owen watched Joey push her.

"You take it back. You're LYING!"

"I'm not. But then again, she wouldn't admit it. She's too worried she'll loose her sex partner. The only reason she's sleeping around with you is because Luke wouldn't sleep with her!"

"YOU BITCH!" Before Joey could hit her, and was knocked back, stumbling to the ground. Owen grabbed Corrine by the arm, and placed her behind him. Joey glared at him.

"Don't you ever touch her." Owen growled. "You've done enough damage. You stay away from her!" Hearing the commotion from the living room, Mali and Lauren made their way to the front door, and gasped. Joey and Owen were wrestling on the ground, and Joey had his hands wrapped around Owen's neck. Corrine was yelling.

"Joey stop it!" She turned, and saw the girls. "Inside, now!" she shouted. "Lauren call 911." Lauren ran back inside the house, and grabbed her phone.

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