33. Christmas { Bonus }

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I'm back!

Did you guys miss me? Probably not. Anyways, because it's Christmas, I figured I would right a small bonus chapter for you guys.

So this chapter takes place while Luke is in London, and Corrine is in New York.


Corrine huffed, blowing a piece of hair out of her face, and placed her hands on her hips. She'd been staring at the Christmas tree that resided in her living room for over an hour, trying to figure out how to get the star on the top.

Several boxes of ornaments rested at the bottom of the tree and she refused to put any of them on the tree until the star was on top. She tried standing on her tip toes, staring on a chair, standing on a ladder but nothing worked.

She was too short. And it didn't help that Owen and Lauren had gone back to Australia to visit their parents for the holidays. She couldn't phone him up and ask him for help.

Corrine sighed in defeat and flopped down on her couch. "Stupid star." She said, tossing it onto the floor. She glanced down at her legs. "Stupid short legs. Why couldn't you be longer?"

She leaned her head back and stared up at the ceiling. "Curse you, Luke Hemmings for not being here when I need you."

Corrine began to frown as she thought about Luke. The boys were still in London, working on their music, and Corrine missed them terribly. Late night phone calla and video chats weren't cutting it anymore. She missed Luke. She craved his touch, and misses his voice. She missed the way he would wake her up and sing around the apartment. The place was so lonely, so empty without him.

Corrine took once last look over at the Christmas tree and rolled her eyes. She turned onto her side and closed them. Maybe a nap would help.


Corrine slept all through the afternoon, and well into the evening. She was so exhausted from the past few days. Exams were hectic and she was praying that she passed with at least and 70%. It didn't seem like a big deal, but at this point, Corrine was positive that if she even got a 60%, she was treated herself to pizza and a milkshake.

She opened her eyes and let out a loud yawn as she sat up on the couch. She picked up her phone to check the time. 11:25. Her eyes widened.

She set her phone back down on the table and stood up to get a cup of tea. But then she sat back down and tried to figure out what was wrong with her situation. It didn't take her long to figure out that the tree was decorated and the damn star she had fought so hard with the morning, was sitting right on top.

Corrine slightly panicked. Maybe Owen and Lauren were home and Owen had decorate the tree for her, and then left without waking her. But that wouldn't be the case seeing as they left two days ago and weren't supposed to return for another five days. She stood back up slowly, and peered around. "Hello?" She called out, internally scolding herself for it afterwards. "Is anyone here?"


Corrine screamed, spinning around and whacking someone violently. "Ow, fuck, Cory! Knock it off!" Someone shouted.

Corrine halted her movements. "Calum?"

Corrine moved blindly about her living room until she found the light switch. Fluorescent lights flooded the room, allowing her to see. Calum was indeed standing in the middle of her living room, while Michael and Ashton were laughing behind him. "Man, are you working out?" Calum asked, rubbing his head. "Cause that hurt."

"Calum!" She yelled his name a lot louder before tackling him in a bone crushing hug. "What are you guys doing here? I thought you were in London?"


Corrine looked behind her.


She was pulled in for a hug, her face buried in her boyfriend's chest. She wrapped her arms around him tightly, breathing in his scent. "I missed you." She mumbled against him. Luke kissed the top of her head, and smiled.

"I missed you to, baby girl."

"I thought you guys weren't coming home for Christmas." She said, pulling back. She looked up at him. "Also, you need to shave." Luke chuckled.

"I know."

"We didn't want to ruin the surprise either." Michael said. "We wanted to tell you, but then it wouldn't have been a surprise."

"You guys! You should have told me. Then I would have stayed up and made dinner or something."

"It's fine. We ordered a pizza about two hours ago." Ashton replied.

"Wait, when did you guys get here?" Corrine asked.

"About three o'clock. Came home to you passed out on the couch, and an undecorated tree." Calum laughed.

"Well, in my defense, I was going to decorate the tree, but because I'm weird, I also do the star first and the ornaments last. And unfortunately for me, I'm not tall enough to put the damn star on the top by myself. I couldn't even do it with the fucking step ladder." She ranted. "So I just gave up and took a nap."

Luke laughed. "You're cute, you know that?"

"Shut up." She leaned into him. "I'm glad you guys are home. It'll be a good Christmas this year."

"We missed you to, Cory."

"Well I would hope so."

Luke sighed contently. It was good to be home.

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