Chapter 15

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I paced around the cockpit, hours away from arriving at Dagobah. I was restless, unable to sleep or eat. I tried training some more, but nothing worked. Over and over I paced, thinking of past times I had paced and Cody told me to stop before I wore a hole into the floor.

I thought of Vader, the first time in months. I recalled his laboured breathing, his lightsaber and his chilling words-

I stopped, frowning. What exactly had Vader said to Obi-Wan? "I'm here for the girl!" That wasn't chilling. Then what had someone said that was giving me shivers? I didn't know. I began to pace again, my thoughts bouncing from one thing to another, crashing into each other and turning my brain to mush. I stopped, a huge yawn interrupting my pacing.

Sleep just wouldn't come, the dreams always coming and the Voice causing mayhem on my emotions. To be angry or not to be angry, that is my struggle. Obi-Wan was in his chamber, meditating. And I'm here,staring at the vastness of space, watching the tiny pinpricks of light of distant stars.

Sighing, I collapsed sideways and lifted marbles with the Force. I turned them over and over, reaching out with the Force. Suddenly, I felt a ripple in the Force. I dropped the marbles and sat up straight. I felt Obi-Wan stir, and heard him as he stepped in behind me.

"What's going on?" he asked, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"I don't know," I responded, sliding toward the controls. Suddenly, red lights started flashing and sirens pierced the air. Obi-Wan's hand tightened on my shoulder.

""Again, what's going on? Should I be concerned?"

"Yes, someone has locked onto us and has overridden the controls!" I growled. "There's nothing I can do." I sat back.

"So now we wait."

Author's Note

I so sorry for the very late update. I've been having awful writer's block and I've been on vacation since the last update. I'm also sorry for the very short chapter, and I'll try to update on Friday. I just want to thank everyone who has been voting, commenting and reading! Your support means so much to me, and thank you again! :D

Unfortunately, I won't be able to update tomorrow, but I can update next Friday.

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