Chapter 3

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This chapter is dedicated to xXHerMajestyxX,for guessing Sky's mystery guest!!

Skylar woke up the next morning to a low mummer of voices coming from downstairs.Skylar leaped out of bed excitedly.Maybe her mystery guest had arrived!Throwing on a warm robe ,she hurried down stairs.Her parents were seated at the table,talking in low voices to someone else,hidden out of Skylar's view.

"She has potential power,"said the mystery person.

"Yes,but what if she ends up like her father?"Ilea shifted uncomfortably."It could mean the end of the galaxy as we know it!"

"What do you mean'If I end up like my father'?"asked Skylar stepping out of the shadows.

Her parents whirled around,shocked.The 3rd person turned around slowly and smiled,drawing back his hood.

"Hello Skylar,"he said."I am Obi-wan Kenobi,and I'm a Jedi."Skylar was stunned.So this was the mysterious Obi-Wan who had brought her to her foster family.

"Hi Mr.Kenobi,"said Skylar shyly,shaking his hand.He laughed.It sounded deep and jolly.

"Oh Skylar,it's just Obi-Wan please.Now,you're parents were telling me all about what they told you yesterday."Skylar shifted nervously.

"Yeah,I still don't understand this whole 'Force'thing you guys are talking about.."

"That's okay Sky,"he said."THat's why I'm here today,to help you understand better."Skylar nodded.

"So maybe this will help.The Force is a friend.Life creates it,makes it it grow.It's energy surrounds us,us binds us together.You an feel the Force everywhere Skylar,"continued Obi-Wan."Reach out Sky.Think of something,like that tree.Feel it flow through you." So Skylar thought of her mom's best vase,which was sitting on the counter.She imagined it lifting up.

"Sky!"she heard.The voice sounded amazed and shocked at the same time. She opened her eyes a fraction.She gasped in amazement. Her mom's vase was floating several feet in the air!

"Wow,great work Skylar!"congratulated Obi-Wan."Now,set it down carefully."

"Okay!"said Skylar.As she began to set it down,and her mind began to wander;about Obi-Wan and her real father. Suddenly,there was an ear-splitting crash.Skylar jerked up,scared.

"Oops!"she cried.Her mom's best vase lay in pieces on the counter and floor of their hut."I'm so sorry!"she cried again.But her mom didn't look mad.

"Sky,that was amazing!Her mother stood up and crushed her in a hug.Obi-Wan also hugged her.

"That was impressive!I think you can come with me to become a Jedi!"

"But,I don't want to leave my family!"cried Skylar."That's not fair!"

"Yes,Skylar I understand.I will come back for you when you're 12,okay?"Skylar nodded.

"Bye,see you on my birthday!"

"Yes,see you later Skylar."


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