Chapter 40

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Chief Chamundi glanced out small group of solemn faces. He then reached out and touched the tips of his fingers to my forehead. I leaned into his touch and opened myself completely to him, allowing his spirit to brush over everything: every scarred memory, every triumph, every failure. We stood together for an eternity, suspended in time.

He pulled back and rubbed his punches brow. "You believe that by opening yourself to love you will bring valance to the Force? You are wrong! It never has and never will be that easy."

I fell to a knee, chin bowed to my chest. "Then teach me. Show me the ways of the Force."

"It won't be easy. My training will push you far beyond what you know you are capable of. Many have tried and only a handful have succeeded."

"I understand. But this is the only way. I have to do this." I looked into his eyes and he nodded.

"Say goodbye to your family. You can have no contact with them while you are here. I'll give you a moment." I stood to my feet as he wordlessly melted into the shadows. I turned and launched myself into Cody's arms.

"Where are you going to go?" I whispered into his chest.

"With Obi-Wan to find the rebels. Someone has to help convince them to trust Darth Vader." I choked back a laugh as his eyes became tender.

"I'm going to miss you so much," he murmured, brushing a lock of hair behind my ear. I stood on tiptoe and pressed my lips against his. He sighed, twisting a lock of my hair around his finger. I began to pull back, but he growled and kissed me harder, lifting me off the ground and twisting a fist into my shirt. I tasted salt as he set me down.

"I love you," I whispered.

"And I love love you more than all the stars in the galaxy." He stepped back as Obi-Wan crushed me in a bear hug.

"You can do this Sky. Never forget who you are. We'll see each other soon, I promise." He pressed a fatherly kiss to my cheek as my father stepped forward.

" I know you will be able to do this, something I know I could never do. You will bring balance to the Force because you are strong. I love you Skylar." He gingerly pulled me to his chest before he too let go.  I took a step back to drink in the three men who meant everything g to me.

"I love you guys. And take my ship. Please. I won't be needing it for awhile." Obi-Wan nodded and motioned for Cody and my father to head up. Cody flashed one more smile before strolling up the ramp. My father smiled through the Force and followed.

"Whenever you're ready, we'll be here. All you have to do is call." I nodded and he started up the ramp.

"Oh, and Obi-Wan?" He turned to look at me. "Not a scratch!" He chuckled and placed a palm over his heart.

"Not a scratch. I promise." He flashed one more smile before he disappeared and my ship roared to life before rising into the air. With a final wave, I turned to Chief Chamundi.

"Are you ready?" I inhaled deeply before nodding, a smile creasing my lips.

"Let's do this."

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