Chapter 37

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. . . I swung down, wishing for Cody's death to be swift and painless.

The snap-hiss of another lightsaber igniting caused my eyes to snap open, watching in fascination as a blue saber blocked Cody from harm.

"Skylar, what have you become?" I stared in shock as Obi-Wan slammed me back with a powerful Force shove that sent me flying away. Obi spun around and sliced through Cody's restraints and Cody stood to his feet, wobbling as he regarded me, pain flowing through the Force.

"Sky?" he asked hesitantly, taking a small step forward.

"No!" I screamed at him and sent him reeling back. "I am not the person you think I am. I will never be the person you believe I am!" I flung myself at Obi-Wan, lightsaber humming. He calmly flicked his saber up and blocked my sloppy attack.

I howled deep in my throat as I launched myself at him again and again, tears streaking wildly down my face.

"Why can't you just leave me be?" I cried, swinging at his head. "Why can't you leave me like you left my father?" Obi gaped at me as he narrowly avoided a swing at his torso.

He deactivated his lightsaber and stepped towards me. He bowed his head and the weight of his sorrow nearly brought me to my knees.

"Leaving him- leaving you," his gaze turned to my father, "was the biggest mistake of my life. I was the one who pushed you into the arms of the Dark Side. I failed you, Anakin, and for that, I am truly and deeply sorry." He bowed his head, tears leaking down his weathered cheeks. 

"You Jedi are such fools!" Darth Sidious hissed. "What do you hope to achieve by grovelling for his forgiveness? Nothing you say will bring your precious Skywalkers back to you." Obi-Wan ignored him and focused on my father.

"You are my brother, Anakin. Nothing will ever change that." 

"Enough of this foolishness! Darth Tytar, finish him!" I swung my saber up and charged, knowing that in our time apart, Obi-Wan had grown old.

"You can not beat me, Obi-Wan Kenobi," I growled as he tilted his lightsaber up just in time to deflect my blow. I swung harder and harder, noting with satisfaction the sheen of sweat coating his brow and his laboured breathing. If I couldn't beat him in skill, I would beat him in endurance. 

Then, I felt a stir in the Force as a blaster screamed, a shot coming from the door. I blocked the blast and glimpsed Cody, standing with a blaster in hand, guards motionless at his feet. He squinted and raised the blaster, before squeezing off another shot. I ducked and deflected the shot back at him, but he dodged at the last possible second. 

I glanced up at my father and The Emperor. My father had a hand resting on the hilt of his lightsaber, muscles tensed. I knew the moment he sensed I had lost control over the situation, he would come to my aid. The Emperor, on the other hand, sat in his throne, cackling gleefully as he watched the battle unfold before him.

I turned my attention back to the task at hand. I faced Obi-Wan and reached out a hand, attempting to yank the saber from his hand. He shook his head as the Force howled around him.

"That's no way to do it Sky. Haven't I taught you better?" I growled at his comment and stalked closer, aiming for his head. I lept for him, and he raised his saber to block. Before I could swing, a pain shot up my arm and I fell mid-leap. Smoke curled from the wound on my bicep as I glared at Cody. I turned from Obi-Wan had charged for Cody, my hatred fueling my steps. His eyes widened as he raised the blaster, aiming for my leg. I twisted and managed to avoid the shot, the red glow of my lightsaber bathing his features in blood.

"Why haven't you taken the kill shot?" I snarled as he dodged out of the way, circling back towards Obi-Wan. "And you old man! Why aren't you attacking? You could have killed me by now. Isn't that what you want?" I challenged.

"We aren't here to kill you Sky. This was never about killing you." I froze, lightsaber pointed to the ground.

"I don't believe you. The only way this will end is when one of us left standing." 

"No. There is another way."

"There isn't. We've had this conversation before. There is no other way." I raced towards Obi-Wan, a snarl twisting my features into that of a Sith. I swung my saber in an arc and he danced out of my reach. 

"Fight me you coward!" I screamed. "Fight me!" A look of defeat crossed his face. A steely look then entered his blue eyes as he whipped around, the fast blow nearly catching me off guard. 

The blow reverberated up my arm, and I bit back a wail of pain as the wound on my bicep ached in protest.

"You want me to fight you, Skylar? This is a battle you can not win." He lept at me and I twisted away, lightsaber catching the edge of my cloak. He pushed me back, his blows raining down on me. I fought desperately, but the wound in my arm slowed my steps and I stumbled.

I found myself on my back, gazing up at Obi-Wan's lightsaber.

"You fool," I laughed madly. "Now you will meet your end!" With my last bit of strength, I swept his legs out from under him and he crashed to the ground. I kicked his lightsaber away as I stood shakily to my feet. I stared into his wise blue eyes and saw my reflected yellow eyes looking back.

I raised my lightsaber high above my head. I felt a stir in the Force and I reached out my injured arm and yanked Cody's blaster from him. I then held him in place, and he twisted.

"Please, don't do this Skylar. I feel the conflict within you! Obi-Wan is not your enemy. I am not your enemy. Please, come back to me." He paused, tears shimmering in his eyes, those blue eyes that I loved so much. "I love you, Skylar. Come back."

"Foolish boy!" The Emperor cackled as he stepped down from his throne. "Your love cannot save her. Now, you will die!" He raised his hands and a burst of lightning shot from his fingers, enveloping Cody. He writhed in pain as he collapsed to the ground. "Now, Darth Tytär, finish Obi-Wan Kenobi, and take your rightful place beside me and your father." I turned my gaze away from Cody, wild tears falling down my cheeks.

"I am sorry Skylar. I have failed you, just like I failed your father. I guess it is my destiny to fail those I love." I looked down at Obi-Wan, still lying on his back.

"How can you possibly say that? How can you lay all my failures on your shoulders?" I cried. "How can you possibly still love me?" He smiled tenderly.

"You are my daughter, Skylar. Nothing you do could ever make me stop loving you. Anakin, you are my brother. Nothing you have done will make me stop loving you." A groan echoed from under Vader's helmet as he fell to his knees. I felt the Light flood through his veins as he stared at me.

"No!" I screamed. "You will not take my father from me!" I raised my saber above my head, but before I could end his life, my saber was yanked from my grasp.

I gaped at my father as he stood to his feet, my saber clutched in his hand.

"There will be no more death today." He reached out and sent The Emperor flying. Cody moaned and convulsed once more before lying still.

"How dare you betray me, Lord Vader?" The Emperor rose to his feet, murder in his gleaming yellow eyes. "You will not live to see another dawn." He lept to his feet, but instead of launching himself at my father, he turned and fled, heading towards the loading bay.

I felt a great disturbance in the Force as he fled. I was suddenly outside the Death Star in the cockpit of an X-Wing, the rosy swell of the planet Yavin rising up behind us. A slither of fear coiled in my stomach.

They were coming to destroy us.

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