Chapter 21

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This whole being held against my will thing is no fun. It's been almost three days and I haven't seen Obi-Wan since we were separated. I was allowed anywhere I wanted, yet I hadn't been able to locate him. I was pacing when I heard a soft knock at my door.

"Who is it?" I asked, and the door slid opened and Vader walked in. He towered over me, his frame filling the door. I crept backwards, my back hitting the wall.

"What. . . what do you want?" I asked, licking my lips.

"I. . ." he paused. "I just wanted to let you know that we will be leaving for the Death Star in one standard hour." With that, he turned around and left me alone again. What was a Death Star? Having nothing else to do, I started to pace again.

Darth Vader's POV
I walked away from Skylar's room, thinking. The Emperor wanted to turn her to the Dark Side, but I wasn't sure what to do or say to speed along the process. I fell to the Dark Side to save Padamé, so maybe there was someone Skylar would turn to the Dark Side to save. . .

I know she really cares for Obi-Wan, but could I really murder my old master? My best friend? I shook my head angrily. What was going on? Having my daughter around was awakening the good deep inside of me. I paused. That was a strange thought. I didn't know that there was even any good left in me. After all, I killed so many Jedi and I even killed Padmé, one of the few people who believed in me; the slave from Tatooine. Was there really any good left in me?

I shook my head to clear my thoughts. There had to be someone that could aid me in turning her. . .

Skylar's POV
Well. The time has come for me to be escorted to this "Death Star." I was once again in the middle of a squadron of stormtroopers, my hands behind my back.

"So, is Obi-Wan coming with us?" I asked casually. The stormtroopers on either side of me said nothing. "You know, I am the daughter of Darth Vader. . ." Again, they stared straight ahead, and I sighed. So much for that. We wound our way through the endless corridors at a steady marching pace. Finally, we arrived in the same docking bay that had my ship. Vader was waiting at the bottom of the Rouge Starfall's ramp. The stormtroopers stopped and released the binders. Rubbing my wrists I took a cautious step towards my ship.

"Are we really taking my ship?" He nodded and walked up the ramp. I trotted after him and the stormtroopers didn't follow. "You're troopers aren't coming? I asked, settling into the pilot seat.

"There's no need for them while you're with me," he said curtly. I nodded and faced forward, getting ready to leave, while studying Vader from the corner of my eye. He was menacing for sure, but I could sense a struggle deep within him; there was still good in him. Somewhere. . . there was good. Although there was good in me, I could feel the ever growing seed of darkness within me.

So here we are, father and daughter, both staining away from the thing we have sworn to destroy; him fighting the light and the darkness consuming me. How long could we run? How long could I run?


Three standard hours later, Vader told me to drop out of hyperspace. I flicked a lever and the blurred lines became stars. I stared, gaping at the terrifying structure before me.

"This is the Death Star?" I breathed in awe.

"This is the Death Star. Capable of destroying an entire planet," he confirmed. As we drifted towards it, my comm receiver crackled.

"Please identify yourselves​. If you do not respond in 2 minutes, we will open fire." Vader jabbed the respond button.

"This is Lord Vader." The comm crackled again.

"Welcome Lord Vader. The Emperor is expecting you and your daughter. Prepare for docking." A green beam snaked out of the Death Star and ensnared us. I was oddly calm, unlike the first time Vader caught Obi-Wan and I. Maybe it was because I was begining to accept who I really was. I was Skylar, daughter of Darth Vader. And I was sliding towards the Dark Side, and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

Vader stood and strode out of the cockpit before we had landed, his cape billowing out behind him. I stood up and started to follow, but he had stopped up ahead and I plowed into his chest. I scrambled backwards, ducking me head. He grasped my shoulder holding me in place.

"Skylar, I have news. It's about Cody and your foster family." I stood still, hardly daring to breathe.

"What? Tell me!" I demanded. I shook with anticipation. It had been years since I had seen my family and months since I had seen Cody. Vader remained silent, and I shoved his hand off my shoulder.

"Tell me!" I shouted at him, my anger boiling over. My hand shot out and I shoved him a few feet backwards with the Force. Vader stood there motionless, no matter how hard I shoved. I was screaming at the top of my lungs, until I collapsed, trembling. Vader stooped over and helped me stand. He steered me down the lowered ramp onto the deck of the Death Star.

"He's dead, Skylar. He's dead." I froze. No, he couldn't be gone. . . he couldn't be. . . This was the last straw. I couldn't hold the darkness at bay anymore.

I screamed in rage and ignited my lightsaber, filling the room with violet light. The troopers raised their blasters, but I ripped them from their hands using the Force. I then ran at them, tears streaming wildly down my cheeks and blurring my vision. I ran into them, stabbing and slashing blindly. Their screams echoed in my ears. I collapsed to my knees, sobbing. Their lifeless bodies reminded me of Cody and I sobbed harder. Darth Vader placed a hand on my arm and gently hauled me to my feet. He guided me to my room and shut the door leaving me to my anger and my hate.

"Cody!" I moaned. He had been one of the few people in the galaxy I cared about and I had failed him. I failed him.


I was strange​ly calm. I took a deep breath and fastened the black cloak around my shoulders and clipped my lightsaber to my utility belt. I opened the door and stalked down the hallway. Stormtroopers parted for me. I knew exactly where Vader was. He stood in a open and grand room, his back to me. I knelt before him and waited. He turned and faced me. I swallowed before speaking.

"I pledge myself to your teachings." I paused and took a deep breath. "I pledge myself to your teachings. . father." Although I couldn't see his face, I could feel how proud he was. I looked into his eyes and saw my own brilliant yellow eyes staring back. It was finished.


Well, this was an intense chapter. So, she turned to the dark side! What do you think? Also, I just want to apologize for not sticking with the regular updates. I'll try my very hardest to have a new chapter up by April 14. May the Force be with you guys! :)

-horseygirl13 <3

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