Chapter 34

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Darth On'kayak's words rang in my ears.

"What?" I whispered hoarsely.

"You heard me. Kill her immediately or I will." He threw my lightsaber at my head and my instincts kicked in as my hand whipped out to catch it.

"Why?" I stared at him defiantly. "You never said I couldn't receive help from someone else." His eyes hardened.

"Next time I will be sure to make myself more clear. But I did say you had to return by sunset, which you failed to do. Now your friend has to pay the consequences." I shook my head and stepped in front of Lexxi.

"No. Punish me instead. I will not let you lay a finger on her." He smirked.

"She won't die by my hand. She'll die by yours." He reached out his hand and shoved his will into my limbs. I activated my lightsaber and bathed Lexxi's terrified features in blood red. I gritted my teeth and fought savagely against my own body.

"I will not hurt her!" I growled past clenched teeth. Lexxi stumbled back but Darth On'kayak rooted her to the spot. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I raised the saber above my head.

"I'm so sorry," I sobbed as she exhaled slowly. I whimpered as she met my eyes.

"It's okay. I'm sorry too." She raised her head defiantly. I screamed as the lightsaber swung down in a smooth arc. Bile rose in my throat as Lexxi slumped to the ground, her once vivid, youthful eyes now empty and glassy. I roared and as my will returned to my limbs. I collapsed to my knees beside her still form, her blood smeared across the cold floor. Tears dripped from my cheeks onto hers as I cradled her head in my lap.

"How dare you?" I whispered venomously as I felt him step closer. "How dare you!" Huge sobs racked my body as he rested his hand on my shoulder.

"I told you I would push you to your limits. I have taken steps in pushing your emotionally limits and I will break them beyond repair if you don't stop snivelling. Do we understand each other?" I hiccupped and nodded slowly. He helped me to my feet and I brushed him off before stalking back to my quarters, my hands curled into trembling fists.

I slammed my door shut and collapsed on my bed. This had been the first time I had killed someone that wasn't a stormtrooper. I curled up, shaking. I hadn't even killed the Jedi woman on Tatooine; I had merely knocked her unconscious. I then fell into a restless slumber, the image of Lexxi falling at my feet seared into my brain.

When I awoke the next morning and returned to the dining room, Lexxi's blood had been scrubbed from the slick floor and her body had vanished. Darth On'kayak raised a brow as I slumped into the seat across from me.

"What a fearsome Sith you are," he commented, calmly taking a sip from his mug. I snarled at him and folded my arms across my chest.

"It seems I must push you harder emotionally than I've had to with past apprentices. It must have been those what," he murmured, stirring his caf, " seven years you spent with the Jedi?" I said nothing as I silently calculated how many years it had been. I shrugged as I came to the conclusion that seven sounded about right. With a start, I realized that it would be my twenty-first birthday in a few weeks.

"Today, I have decided on another training activity. Follow me." He set his empty mug with military precision beside his plate and left the room without a backwards glance. I hesitated a moment before I rolled my eyes and stalked after him. As it had been made crystal clear to me the previous night, I had little control over my own body.

"Early this morning, I had a legion of stormtroopers return the body of the savage to her village." The contempt in his voice made a shiver course down my spine. Did he truly believe that they were savages and that he was above them? "Only one returned. He brought a message for you." He turned his cold calculating eyes on me.

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