Chapter 33

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Lexxi and I had been walking for about an hour when I first felt a set of eyes bore into my back. The hairs on the back of my neck prickled as I slowed to a halt, eyes scanning the area.

"Lexxi?" I breathed, unsheathing the knife.

"I feel it too," she murmured, drawing her bow. I stretched out my senses, probing the area, trusting the Force to find something my eyes and ears couldn't detect. A shadow of something passed right behind me. I spun to face it as a huge, hulking mountain of muscle lept forward.

"Hit the deck!" Lexxi screamed as she let an arrow fly. I dove to the ground as the arrow whoosed over my head. My ribs groaned in protest as I rolled and landed upright, spinning to face the threat. 

A feline like creature with four, soulless black eyes howled in agony as it attempted to dislodge the arrow stuck in it's powerful shoulder. It's tail divided in two at the tip thrashed as Lexxi let another arrow fly into the thing's heart. It convulsed and kneeled over, huge dark claws stuck in the dirt.

"What was it?" I asked, bending over to examine the needle sharp, blue tinged spikes on the back of it's head and neck.

"A nexu." Lexxi scowled as she stooped to retrieve her arrows. "A young one too, by the looks of it. An adult male is usually up to here," she said, raising her hand to just below her shoulder. My eyes widened slightly as I imagined trying to take on a full grown nexu armed with nothing but a pocket knife. Lexxi stepped closer and raked her eyes over its carcass.

"I need to radio my village and let them know that it's here. We use their skin for clothing and their spikes and claws for weapons," she added at my confused glance. I pursed my lips as she closed her eyes and chanted something under her breath. Her eyes popped open and she began to walk away.

"Do you know how much further?" I asked, hating the slight whine in my voice. She turned and raised an eyebrow at me.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Your Highness. Next time I'll be sure to bring my carriage with me." I rolled my eyes and trudged after her as the sun continued to sink. I gripped the knife tighter as howls ripped through the twilight. 

"So, you call the Spirit, the Force, correct?" I nodded.

"Yes. I practice the Dark Side of the Force, while others, known as the Jedi follow the Light Side. The Jedi are weak fools." Lexxi tilted her head and without warning pressed the tips of her fingers to my forehead.

"You don't truly believe that. I can feel it." I shoved her hand away.

"You know nothing of what I believe. The Light Side must be destroyed in order to bring balance to the Force." Lexxi burst out laughing. "What?" I growled.

"Have you even listened to yourself?" She asked, wiping tears from her eyes. "How will destroying the light bring balance? One cannot exist without the other!" I opened my mouth to retort, but her words rang true. I glared frostily at her and she chuckled.

"Have you never considered this before?" I stormed off, gripping the knife tightly, knuckles turning white. I then glimpsed something moving within the trees. I held my breath and motioned for Lexxi to freeze. Flashes of white moved through the trees in a precise military fashion. Stormtroopers.

"Kriff! Lexxi do have something more than a pocket knife?" She shook her head tersely and I growled. Realization dawned as the fist trooper raised his blaster in our direction. 

Darth On'kayak said he would test me, so this must be the test on my abilities using the Force. I drew in a deep breath and summoned the anger I kept tucked away in my heart. With a roar, I gathered the anger and sent it flying towards the stormtrooper. A sickening crunch echoed through the clearing as the trooper flew backwards into a thick trunked tree. His blaster clattered to the ground and I darted forward to grab it. Lexxi raised her bow, an arrow already nocked as the next wave of troopers entered the clearing. Two succumbed to her arrows before I could blink. I then raised my hands and dispatched the troopers as quickly as they came. My eyes glowed a fiery yellow as I heard Lexxi hiss in pain. I spun to face her as she collapsed to one knee, a blaster burn coating her shoulder.

"Hit me in my aiming shoulder," she snarled. I called a blaster to my hand and I tossed it to her. She grimaced as she braced herself for the next onslaught. When none came, I stretched out my senses and when I found nothing, I grasped Lexxi's hand and helped her to her feet.

"Come. It can't be too much further. We have a bacta tank that will heal that in no time." She nodded, face twisting with pain. "I'll help you."

We walked in complete silence until I spotted the dim glow of the compounds lights glimmering though the gaps between the trees.

"Hey, hey! It's Darth Tytar! I have someone who needs medical attention." The troopers exchanged a glance and hesitantly let us through. I glanced up at the sun and pursed my lips. I had missed my sundown deadline. I looked up as Darth On'kayak stalked towards us, a cold stare on his face. 

"You are late," he stated. I nodded and adjusted my grip on Lexxi.

"We were attacked by a nexu and a legion of clones. Now, she's injured. We need the baccta tank." He leveled his gaze on Lexxi and she met his bottomless eyes.

"You missed your deadline. There has to be consequences for you shortcomings." His pencil thin lips curled in a sneer.

"Kill her."  

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